7.- Training in another world

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Upon waking up, the first thing I perceive is the smell of damp earth, blood, and sweat, after seeing the smiling faces of friends and civilians who begin their day before the first rays of the sun. However, as I open my eyes, that memory is left behind, replaced by the stale air and the scent of flowers, as well as the smiling faces of those who welcome me warmly, as if I were not an intruder who doesn't belong to this world. I start my day with a big smile, although deep inside, I wonder if I will ever feel at home.

After that fateful battle in which Sakura lost consciousness, upon waking up in the infirmary, the first thing she received was a scolding from Recovery. Officially, she had lost control due to stress; unofficially, it was because she had pushed herself too hard. For a long while, Recovery scolded her, and All Might apologized repeatedly for not noticing her condition, while Midoriya sat by her side, lamenting as well.

When Recovery's anger finally dissipated, Sakura learned that Bakugo had finished first in the tournament, Todoroki in second, and Tokoyami in third. Watching the replay, she wished she had been there; she had to admit that Bakugo looked funny with that harness around him, as if containing a wild animal.

Upon being discharged by Recovery, Sakura took advantage of the school's granted days off to establish a routine. She quickly adapted to having a clone at the university and another in the library, reading books and browsing the internet to gather as much useful knowledge from this world as possible. Two clones of herself were the maximum she could manage before experiencing extreme fatigue that made her bleed from strain or feel dizzy due to chakra depletion. Thanks to her training with Tsunade, she was able to skip several subjects in her course after passing exhaustive and thorough exams, which was possible due to Recovery's recommendation.

Despite her success in the exams, this opportunity allowed her to do rounds at the hospital as a nursing assistant, somehow she was sure that the names of Recovery and All Might were involved.

Days began to grow monotonous in her regular and supplementary classes until Aizawa and Midnight talked about choosing their hero names. She observed how her classmates got excited about choosing their aliases; some were even trembling with emotion. She, on the other hand, didn't see the need to put much thought into a proper name.

While watching her friends pick their names, she wondered what names they would choose. Kakashi was "The Copy Ninja," Tsunade was "The Slug Princess," and one of the Sannin... would Sasuke-kun have something related to "The Last Uchiha"? Ino would probably go with something like "The Most Beautiful Ninja of All," but Naruto? What name would he choose? Each of the names seemed more ridiculous than the last, and she couldn't help but let out a slight laugh. Todoroki, beside her, glanced at her briefly, and she blushed with embarrassment.

Finally, it was her turn to choose a name. Like Todoroki, she wrote down her name. In contrast, she was surprised when Izuku chose "Deku." The surprises didn't stop there, as Aizawa announced they would have a one-week internship with a hero agency.

They had the option to choose an agency that be requested or choose from the forty agencies approved by the academy.

"Choose your agency very carefully," Aizawa warned before leaving. It was lunchtime, so they started chatting among themselves.

Since it was lunchtime, they began to chat among themselves.

"No offers," Midoriya muttered again.

A blue aura manifested beside him, indicating that Sakura shared the same feeling of not being selected by an agency.

"You both were reckless in your fights," Mineta observed. Of all of them, they were the most daring, destroying objects around them and causing themselves harm, even to the point of passing out.

Flower of two worldsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें