The Strain Of Loving A God

Start from the beginning

"Remember how I calmed you before? Just do that. It's okay." she smiled, as she quietly explained to Loki what happened if you accidentally hit where one of the burns was, or if you touched it without permission. (If it was one she got in training, a flashback would trigger to where she'd get sort of dangerous-ish, and so she had to surround herself in fire and let all the anger/fear out otherwise she'd completely flare up.)

Espoir had walked into the middle of the room (she'd moved the furniture and other things out of her way first) and then she began attacking the air, she'd put a fire shield surrounding her, and hit the air, letting the fire come out from her fists, hands, and feet, screaming and shouting. Letting it out.

Tony came in confused, as did most other people.

"What in the actual hell is...oh. Ess, you okay?" Tony asked, noticing how there was now a large fire shield surrounding a screaming and shouting Espoir who was attacking imaginary people.

"Fire is the element of power. Gotta be powerful. Can't be weak. Can't be weak. Can't be weak." Espoir repeated, on, and on. "Fire is the element of power. Powerful. Weakness is not powerful. Can't be weak. Can't be weak or I'll get burned."

"Benjamine, I don't understand what's going on. Can't you help her?" Loki said, hating that Espoir was distressed.

"No." Benjamine said sadly. "Nobody can. It's how she's always been."

"FIRE IS THE ELEMENT OF POWER! BEING WEAK IS NOT BEING POWERFUL! IF YOU ARE NOT POWERFUL YOU WILL GET BURNT!" she roared, before she calmed down, clearing her throat a little, breathing quite hard, and flicked her head so her hair wasn't in her eyes.

The shield had left and she noticed that people were staring pretty much gobsmacked.

"You...okay?" Tony asked awkwardly.

"Oh, hey." she smiled, nodding. "Yep! Just, uh, can't let people touch some of the burns. It, uh, triggers a flashback from the intense training. Got 'em all over me so it's bound to happen but yeah."

"You mean completely insane training?"

"Well, that's how things were there. I had to learn to defend, to attack, to..."

"Be what they called powerful?"

"Yeah. They were asses there, pretty much. They believed in the old ancient ways of fire bending, wherein which you have to be powerful because fire is the element of power, and you can't fail. You have to be tough. Strong." she explained. "They would hurt us if we weren't trying our best and the exams were brutal. Only a few people have passed it and if it wasn't for my healing factor I'd have died, and it's why I take being a firebending master very seriously."


"Yeah." she said, before noticing something that was falling from the sky. "What's that?" Espoir asked, running to the window.

"Probably a meteor or something." Tony replied.

"Yeah. A meteor. In the fucking day, Uncle Tony!"

"Well whatever it is, it's coming down fast. I'm gonna freeze it so we don't have another dinosaur problem! One second." Benjamine said before teleporting to the thing, freezing it, and with the help of Thor brought it down. "What..who the hell is that?" she asked, confused, seeing a male.

"That is Fjinn." Thor said, going to bring him back to Asgard.

"Wait, don't we have to ask him what he's doing down here or something? People just don't decide to fall from the sky." Benjamine said, curious at this attractive guy.

"I don't think you're aware of when I was banished here to Midgard by my father, then."

"Well, I don't really pay attention to New York events, Thor. There's a load of things happening in France already. Plus, my mother is kind of ill."

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