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After school, in the evening, Reyaansh was at Abhimanyu's house. Both of them have been playing basketball for straight 2 hours. Being tired, they decided to take a short break.

Abhimanyu asked a helper for fresh orange juice for both of them. They both were drinking and casually talking when Reyaansh saw a silhouette of someone near the palm tree.

"Is that Aadhya?"Abhimanyu looked back at where Reyaansh was looking and saw Aadhya busy writing something in her diary.


"When did she returned?" Reyaansh asked as he was informed that Aadhya had gone to her maternal uncle's house for few weeks.

"Last night"

"Oh. Ok ok. Let's go and meet her." Reyaansh said standing up after finishing his juice.

"You go. I'm coming in few minutes." Reyaansh shrugged and went towards her.

"Heyy Aadhu. How are you?" Reyaansh asked Aadhya while sitting near her and putting his arm around her shoulders.

Aadhya was shocked seeing him out of nowhere and became slightly nervous after finding him close to her.

"Hi. I'm good. What about you?" Aadhya said while tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I'm toh totally fit and fine yaar. Tune bataya bhi nahi ki tu ghar aa gyi hai." Reyaansh said with fake anger.

"I only returned last night that too very late or aaj aap yaha tapak pade, to kab btati." Aadhya said while playfully rolling her eyes.

"Aadhu. This is not the way to talk with your elder bacha." Abhimanyu softly told Aadhya who just happened to come there at that time only.

Aadhya scoffed and said, "Oh elder. That too with  7 months. Huh!" She closed her diary and was about to stand up but she found Reyaansh putting pressure on her shoulders as if stopping her from going. So, she sat still there.

"It's ok Abhi. Ye to hamara pyaar hai." Reyaansh chuckled while saying this casually not knowing the effect of these particular sentence on certain someone.

"Vaise pyaar se, I remember. Aadhya, you know this idiot is in love with someone." Aadhya felt something breaking in her as silent tears gathered in her eyes. She didn't dared to raise her head.

"That too love at first sight. Quite filmy, no?" Abhimanyu chuckled while teasing his best friend not knowing the inner turmoil of his sister.

Not knowing what to say or do, She just looked sideways and found Reyaansh smiling while looking downwards.

"What? Really?" Without her control, she heard herself asking the question.

"Yeah! And you know what the best part is?" Abhimanyu excitedly asked her.

"What?" Aadhya half-heartedly asked his brother, taking a control on her emotions which were making her weak.

"The girl is none other than Meera."

"Meera?" Not getting that what he is implying, Aadhya asked being confused.

"Arey. Meera. Meeru. Old house. Playing in the park near the house. Rang any bell?" Abhimanyu replied giving her hints.

"Whatt? Meeru? How is she? Where and how did you meet her bhaiya? Tell me everything " Aadhya excitedly asked him at the mention of her long lost best friend.

"Arey baba, bolne to de." Abhimanyu and Reyaansh chuckled at the behaviour of her.

"Yaar, aap btao na."

Abhimanyu explained her the entire scenario that how they met her and the background story.

"Really? She is in our class? But her fam—" She was about to say something but stopped herself as that was very confidential.

"But?" Abhimanyu asked while raising his eyebrows and Reyaansh also looked at her to know what she is saying.

"Amm nothing. I was saying that she is in our class. So, It will be fun, no? We all together in one class." She carefully changed the conversation and she was very excited to meet her best friend but the next words of her brother made her little bit gloomy.

"Yes, it will be more fun to see the class room love story. Right pyaar ke panchhi." Abhimanyu teased him and ran away when Reyaansh made a move to hit him.

Reyaansh was chasing Abhimanyu trying to hit him. Whereas, Aadhya was just looking towards her first ever crush dejectedly as a lone tear left her eye and fell on her diary page full of ink which was opened due to the soft breeze where she had written about her feelings for him.


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