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Meera after taking Shiv Ji's name entered the classroom and found the class almost filled with students. Everyone was busy with each other. She ran her gaze all around the class and found some faces to be familiar while some were not.

She was about to take a step forward to look for her seat when she heard someone calling out her name and look towards from where the sound was coming and saw that Riya her previous classmate was calling her.

Meera walked towards Riya and found two familiar faces of her previous classmates Aditya and Srishti and one unknown face whose name was also unknown to her.

Meera waved her hands towards all of them and spoke hello enthusiastically while all of them returned the greeting with same enthusiasm.

"Hey Meera. Kaisi hai?" Riya asked her.

"Mai theek hu. Tu bta kaisi hai?"

"Mujhe kya hona hai. Mai to bdia."

"Hello Aditya, Srishti and.." Meera left the sentence hanging as in silently asking the next person's name.

"Hi, I'm Nikhil. New admission." Replied the unknown guy.

"Oh ok ok..." She was about to say something when Riya cut her in between.

"Tu bta tu yaha kaise? You were changing the school. No?" Asked Riya in a questioning manner as Meera had told them three months back that she is changing the school but in reality she was not sure that whether her parents and especially her grandmother will permit her to complete her senior secondary education or not.

"Change of plans." Meera shrugged it not wanting to continue this.

They were about to continue the conversation when their class incharge who is also their Accounts teacher entered the class and Meera left a sigh of relief after seeing her as now Riya will stop her questioning session.

After seeing their teacher in the class, every student went back to their seat.
Meera also took a seat which was empty.

"Goooodd Moorrrniiingg Maammm" The class sang in chorus while standing up.

"A very Good Morning Students. Have a seat. And you all are not children now that you all are speaking like that. Grow up." Mrs Monika their accounts teacher said while chuckling.

"Yeesss maammm." All students again sang in chorus. Mrs. Monika shook her head chuckling at the silly behaviour of her students.

"Ok guys, jokes apart now. You all are now in 11 class. And I want all of you to be a little bit more mature and responsible towards your studies and your future.Ok?"

"Yeesss maammm." Regardless of the talk of their class teacher, the students continued in the same manner.

Shaking her head, she continued "So, firstly we will do introduction as you all maybe know each other but for me you all are new. But before that, give me you attendance and then we will continue it." She said while taking out the attendance register.

Mrs. Monika started taking their attendance and then came Abhimanyu's turn.

"Abhimanyu "She called out.

On hearing no response, Mrs. Monika looked up and scanned the class with her scrutinising gaze and again called out the name.

Getting the same answer once again, she shook her head in disappointment and mumbling something under her breath, she continued taking the attendance.

After a couple of seconds came Reyaansh's turn.

"Reyaansh" She called out.

Again on getting no response, she was about to move to the next name. Then, out of nowhere came a huffing sound.

"Present Mam."


That's it for today.

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