(Spatial) Chapter 16 Under the Shadows

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No one's POV

Miledi plodded forward, away from the Red Dragon's Mountain. Ryu and Oscar walked silently beside her. Oscar looked over at Ryu and Miledi. Miledi was clearly depressed.

Oscar(mind): This must be how they felt when I refused them too

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Oscar(mind): This must be how they felt when I refused them too.

Even now, Oscar didn't think he had been wrong to refuse both Ryu and Miledi back then. However, that didn't make him feel any less guilty. It hurt to imagine Ryu and Miledi wandering Velnika's streets looking so depressed. When Miledi was happy she was a handful, and when she was sad she was still a handful. Ryu breathed a small sigh.

Ryu: Are you feeling down because he wouldn't join us? Or because of the story he told us?

Miledi: Both.

Ryu: You don't approve of the way he's chosen to live his life?

Miledi: No.

Ryu: But that's the decision he's made.

Miledi: I understand that. That's why I'm not going to ask him to join us anymore. But I still feel really annoyed!

She didn't sound the least bit happy about it, though. Miledi puffed out her cheeks and pouted.

Naiz had given them a reason now, so they had no choice but to respect his decision. Pushing any harder would have been the same as forcing their will on him. And Miledi knew that.

Still, that didn't mean she had to like it. Her feelings showed plain on her face as they walked back.

Naiz's berserk rampage had caused irreparable damage. Like he'd said himself, he'd killed all of the villagers, and hundreds of soldiers. Most of them likely had families to return to, and had only been doing their duty. However, he was also a teenager who'd just seen his family killed before his eyes. Even a fully mature adult would have been hard-pressed to act rationally in that situation.

Despite that, Naiz still blamed himself. And he would spend the rest of his life atoning for it, forever alone in the cave he called a home. Oscar knew even if they tried to go back he'd just run away and start helping people somewhere else.

 Oscar knew even if they tried to go back he'd just run away and start helping people somewhere else

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