(Spatial) Chapter 13 The Fairy of the Desert

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No one's POV

Light blazed down on a pair of travelers. The burning heat pricked at their skin, mirages appeared in the distance, sand got in to everything, and the air was so dry breathing hurt.

Miledi: He's... He's trying to kill us, Ry-Ry, O-kun.

Oscar: Personify the sun all you want, that's not going to make Mr. Sunny any less hot.

Ryu: Personally, I like this kind of temperature. So it's a shame I cannot suffer the heat such as you two.

Miledi: Want me to splash you with some hot magma so you'll suffer too?!

Ryu: Please do.

A pair of footsteps trudged through the burning sand.

Miledi: It's so hoooooot. Hooooooooot. I'm sweating so much I'll dry out.

Ryu: At least you're wearing my coat so it's better for you. And didn't I gave you guys some of my cooling Spirit Art?

Oscar: It's still so damn hot. Can't you make it cooler?

Ryu: Getting more colder doesn't mean it's making you better. You guys will immediately catch a headache.

Sand stretched out as far as the eye could see. Ryu, Oscar and Miledi were walking through the Crimson Desert, located on the western part of the northern continent. It had been named such because of how striking the red sand of the desert was. The grains were all so fine that even a slight breeze would whip them through the air, turning even the sky crimson.

Ryu was carrying Miledi on his back as he and Oscar walked through the unforgiving desert heat.

Miledi: My face is hot, my neck's hot, my arms are hot. Everything feels hoooooot.

Ryu and Oscar:......

Miledi slumped against Ryu and flailed her arms around like a spoiled child. Both Miledi and Oscar are wearing Ryu's jet-black coat looked like the kind of thing that would absorb heat, not reflect it. But of course, it was a coat that was imbedded with Spirit Art with metal threads woven into it. Not only did it reflect heat, but there was cooling magic incorporated into its design, so it kept its wearer at a comfortable temperature.

Miledi had looked like she was really suffering from the heat, so Ryu had given her his coat and decided to carry her on his back. Oscar was asking for the same treatment but Ryu gave him a look that say, 'What kind of a man ask to be carry'. So instead Ryu gave Oscar another piece of his clothes.

In other words, not only was Ryu wearing a single, sweat-drenched shirt, he was forced to lug a heavy object as well.

Miledi: I'm thiiiiiirsty. If we keep going like this I'll dry up.

Ryu and Oscar:......

Miledi: I hate being all sweaty like this.

Ryu and Oscar:......

Miledi: And the sand's getting everywhere.

Ryu and Oscar:......

Miledi: Ry-ry. Ry-ry. Hey, Ry-ry. Womanizing Ry-ry. I mean—

Ryu: Gaaaaaah, just shut up!

Ryu finally snapped. He grabbed Miledi by the ankles and started spinning. It looked like he was swinging her around like a giant bat. The pair of them spun in circles in the middle of the desert.

Miledi: Hyowaaaaaaaaah!

Miledi's skirt flipped up, and her panties were clearly visible as she spun through the sand, her hands outstretched behind her.

The Forgotten Time (Arifureta Zero x Oc/Male Readers)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon