(Spatial) Chapter 15 Naiz Gruen Caliente

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No one's POV

The sisters loaded their plates, the younger with gusto, the older with a little more hesitation. She was still embarrassed by what her younger sister had said. Over the course of breakfast, Ryu, Miledi and Oscar learned that the older sister's name was Susha Liv Doumibral and the younger's was Yunfa Liv Doumibral. They were, as Ryu had guessed, residents of the Liv village.

Susha: My name is Susha Liv Doumibral. This is my little sister Yunfa Liv Doumibral.

Yunfa: Nice too meetcha!

It was customary for people in the desert to take the name of the region and village they were born in, which was why their middle and last name were Liv and Doumibral respectively. She was from Liv village, in the Doumibral fiefdom.

 She was from Liv village, in the Doumibral fiefdom

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Miledi: Where's Nacchan from, I wonder?

Oscar: Huh... He'd only told us his name is Naiz.

Ryu: Other than his name, we never heard anything else from him.

Susha: The guardian Deity's name is Naiz?!

As Ryu hadn't known too much about the desert customs before, he hadn't given much thought to Naiz's last name. He'd asked Susha if she knew, but she hadn't even known that his first name was Naiz. When Ryu had told her, she'd repeated it to herself like some kind of charm.

Susha: Naiz-sama

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Susha: Naiz-sama... My Naiz-sama...

Miledi(mind): Damn, this girl's serious about him.

Ryu: Do you mind if I ask about your connection with Naiz?

Nu: I guess I should explain that, since I was at the scene at that time.

Ryu asked how the girls had met Naiz, and it turned out their first encounter was pretty much the same as Ryu's. Nu had been protecting them when they were under attack by monsters. Nu had put up a good fight, but the numbers of monsters had been too many for one single person to handle, it was when he'd shown up and teleported them to safety.

However, one of the monsters had caused Yunfa's mana to go berserk. When Nu told Naiz that, he vanished and came back with stillstone for her. They'd been so surprised by Naiz's constant teleporting that they hadn't even been able to thank him before he'd disappeared with his customary "Don't tell anyone about me."

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