(Creation Finale) Chapter 12 The Synergist's Wish

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No one's POV

The time indicated by Tel was five seconds to midnight. Miledi, Oscar and Corrin focused on the time before this madness happened as Rivide invited their mind into the past. The second hand moved, indicating fifty-six seconds. In an instant, the world turned white. The floor, the ceiling, the walls— everything. Another second passed. Then another. However, the second hand of Tel no longer moved. This place—this space— was now isolated from the world.

Oscar: This is...

Miledi: What's going on?

Ryu: He's here.

Ryu observed. Just then, a tear appeared in the space before us. A silver blade emerged from within, as though someone hidden behind the space were cutting their way through. The tip of the blade looked like the head of a strange spear, but Ryu knew what its full form really was—a scythe.

Corrin: What's that...?

Corrin murmured in surprise.

Miledi: I can't see the depths of this power...

Miledi added. It was probably her first time meeting someone other than Ryu whom she couldn't read.

Ryu: Stay focused on looking for those origins. The spell isn't complete yet. Besides, this guy isn't an opponent the two of you can handle, yet.

White-gloved hands appeared in the tear, pulling the gap wider open. Once the gap was wide enough, a body slowly emerged. The head was covered in a pure-white hood, and even with Magic Eyes, the face couldn't be seen. Perhaps there was no face at all.

Oscar: Hey, Ryu...what's that?

Ryu: The Keeper of Time, Eugo La Raviaz—the god that protects the order of time.

Miledi: A G-God...?!

Miledi stammered in shock.

Ryu: We're trying to make a major alteration to the past. Of course a god will show up. They can be rather uptight about any disruptions to the natural order. Normally something like this is acceptable. But now, he's under Ehit's influence. So I'm sure this will pissed him off.

Eugo La Raviaz turned Ryu's way. As soon as he saw the Dragon King, he spoke.

Eugo: Unforgivable

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Eugo: Unforgivable.

His stern voice alone was enough to shake the air.

Ryu: Oh? This is my first time hearing you speak, Eugo.

Eugo: Unforgivable.

Eugo La Raviaz repeated.

Ryu: Hmm. It would be greatly appreciated if you could look the other way just this once. We're merely changing the past to save children's life. Or is it too much to ask a god to forgive the disappearance of a single tragedy from this world?

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