(Creation) Chapter 10 Soldiers of the Gods

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No one's POV

Why? How? Had they known Corrin was one of his sisters? But when did they find out? And who told them? Those questions whirled around in his mind. His confusion was understandable. His enemies shouldn't have known who he was. Had they assumed he was here to take all the children back, and had picked a hostage at random? No. They wouldn't have said "this kid" if that was true. Not only did they know who Oscar was, they knew who he was close to.

Oscar(mind): Where did I slip up?

He had either defeated every knight he'd come across, or fled from them before they got a good look at his face. Or at least, he thought he had. It seemed his countermeasures hadn't been perfect. He clicked his tongue impatiently and stepped out behind the boulder. Corrin smiled when she saw Oscar.

Corrin: Ah, Onii— Ow!

Before she could finish her sentence, the man holding her tightened his grip on her neck. Her face twisted in pain.

Oscar: Stop tormenting little kids. Don't you have even a shred of humanity left in you?

Bishop: What would a heretic like you know about humanity? Know your place, you Orcus Workshop dropout.

They exchanged insults. Oscar was surprised how much information they'd gathered on him. He adjusted his glasses to hide his shock. And, at the same time, he examined the man.

His face had more wrinkles than he could count. It was obvious he was old. However, the flames of ambition still burned brightly in his eyes. Old though he was, it seemed his hunger for power hadn't faded in the slightest.

His clothes, too, stood out. They were made of high-quality fabric, and were ornately decorated. It was clearly a priest's garment. No low-ranking deacon or curate's habit, either. These were the robes of a bishop... The bishop of Velka to be exact.

Oscar: Those clothes, and that face

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Oscar: Those clothes, and that face... I remember who you are now. So you were the one behind the kidnappings, Forneus Abyssion.

Though he hadn't believed, Oscar had still joined the Holy Church to avoid raising suspicion. But he hadn't been able to stomach their doctrine, and had rarely shown his face. Still, he had a vague recollection of the bishop from the few times he'd gone. Forneus' eyes narrowed in anger. He couldn't believe it had taken that long for Oscar to remember his own bishop.

Forneus: You thrice-damned heretic. How dare you forget the face of your exalted bishop? Such a heinous crime is deserving of death!

Oscar(mind): There sure are a lot of crimes punishable by death according to the Holy Church...

The bishop went on to talk about how dangerous heretics were, how wonderful the Holy Church was, and how he'd been ordained by Ehit himself for this holy mission. Oscar ignored him completely.

He'd provoked the bishop in the first place in order to buy himself some time. During the bishop's rant, he'd transmuted the ground underneath them, turning the terrain to his advantage. Then, he quietly sent out his Metamorph Chains, setting up traps in various locations.

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