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2 weeks later...

Fae is sitting on a large rock with her feet in the water of a magical pool. The others namely Harry,Draco,Neville and Blaise are all flying on brooms. Fae sighs and she looks up at the sky. Hermione and Luna are sitting talking quietly about a creature called a turtle duck. Merlin is perched on Fae's shoulder.

Luna notices Fae's blank face before Hermione does. "Fae?" She says her voice soft but audible.

Fae blinks and tries to smile. She goes over to the table and sits down.

"So what creature are we talking about today?" Luna grins and Hermione says "she says there are hybrid creatures! Tell her that isn't true! I can't find any books about it..."

Hermione trails off and Fae says "not all information is written and not all written information is truth"

Hermione blinks a few times and she says "well have you ever see one?" She asks "if I did I probably wouldn't remember. Anyway I know many places exist even places you haven't heard of. Like...Barlcona it's a plan- place where the dogs have no noses" Fae says before furrowing her brow.

"Dogs with no noses?" Sirus comes over and he produces some bottles of butterbeer for them and he sits down.

"So what is the great debate today?"
He asks with a smile. "Still want to free Kreacher?" He asks Hermione.

"Wouldn't he be happier?" Hermione asks.

"Actually no. House elves have their own magic binding them to their family. Kreacher is a special case because of what happened with my brother. For now he is content serving Cissy."

"But it's barbaric!" Hermione says still not understanding.

"What's barbaric is Remus lives as a second class citizen. He isn't allowed to get a job so before now he was living in dismal conditions there are many restrictions keeping him from living a normal life."

At that moment Draco,Harry,Blaise and Neville all land Neville a big clumsier then the rest. Draco claps a hand on the larger boy's back. "Nice one Longbottom." He says encouragingly. Neville offers a hesitant smile and Draco and Harry go over to Fae. After about a moment of silence Fae stands up and hands them both a butter-beer. She sees Severus coming towards them for her private lesson. "We'll see you in a bit then?" Draco asks. Fae nods and she follows Severus so they can get started on her lessons.

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