6 months

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Fae climbs the stairs to begin her daily chores.

Clean surfaces twice.
Dudley's room...

Fae pulls her hair up and puts a scarf in her hair to hold it back. She looks at herself in the metal of the fridge. She straightens her shirt before heading outside to get the gardening done in the morning while it's still cool. No one asks her what she's doing.

Apparently the neighbors think she's some sort of delinquent and can't leave the property. Occasionally someone will pull their children away or quickly close the curtains of Fae sees them looking.

She shakes her head and begins to harvest the vegetables and herbs. Her skill in the back garden has led to significant savings for the family and to Dudley's betterment healthier eating.

She continues to collect the food into her basket. She picks it up and turns to go into the house.

She stops not turning as she feels a icy wind behind her. She turns slightly and sees two people a man and a woman dressed in black wands out looking around.

"Where is it?" The woman says she continues to look around.

"Should be around here somewhere!" The other says Fae watches them for a while Severus assured her she would be under the same protection Harry is. Fae shakes her head and returns to the house.

She goes in downstairs and takes off her work boots and outdoor apron before she puts on her soft soled shoes and indoor apron.

She begins to wash the produce and put the herbs in storage before she carries what belongs upstairs upstairs. She begins to mix the ingredients for making the seasoning for the fish and chips she plans on making that night.

Once the potatoes and fish is ready she puts them in the fridge to set in the seasonings before going outside to eat a small meal of a peanut butter sandwich

...she sits outside on the front steps eating until she hears a cop car coming up the road. She finishes the sandwich and washes it down with water. She stands up as the car pulls up in the driveway she crosses her arms over herself as the man gets out she backs away when she recognizes him.

"Surprised to see me?" Fae says nothing he grins and pushes her up against the side of the house.

Fae doesn't struggle against the master's grip for a moment before she pushes him off. "Get away from me!" She cries pushing him off. He grins and grabs her wrist.

"Just know I'm watching ..." he releases Fae and she watches him go and get back into his car.

Fae hurries back into the house to finish cleaning the downstairs and start in Dudley's room. She does five loads of laundry and cleans out Dudley's primary bed room before checking the clock and beginning to clean up Dudley's second bedroom she begins to organize it and manages to pile up a few stacks of books some decent art supplies she pockets some of the pencils and sets some empty notebooks aside. She finds some clothing that is less damaged then others and she puts it in a pile she carries it downstairs and begins to work on some proper clothing for Harry...then Fae begins to read one of the many discarded books Dudley tosses away.....soon her eyelids get heavy until she hears the slamming of a door.

Fae jumps up and she quickly hides everything before she hurries upstairs to get the tea ready for mistress

But Fae is surprised when she sees master as she's forced to call him. She goes to the fridge and gets him a beer instead. Harry is nowhere to be seen.

"Just what did you think you were doing?" He snaps looking at Fae with his heady black eyes.

"I..I was -..."

"all day I work and all I ask is that you earn your keep! He says standing up.

He finishes his beer and Fae moves to get another he grabs her arm. He pushes Fae up against the wall. He touches her hair "you were SLEEPING?!" Fae feels one of the bones in her arm break and he kicks her between the legs and then begins to drag her towards the cupboard Fae's eyes widen and she begins to struggle as he unlocks the door and shoves Fae inside. Fae bites her lip and she sees that she's scrunched up against the shelf and harry is crouched over his mattress.


Harry says softly. Fae groans and she cradled her arm. "Harry gone here" Fae says bringing him closer. She holds out her hand and he comes over and Fae reaches up trying to grip the earring in her left ear she grips it and she closes her eyes and curses. She sticks it back in and Harry slides the back back onto the staff of the earring.

"Fae what's wrong with your arm?" Fae doesn't answer. She grits her teeth and looks away. "Fae?"

"I can't activate the por-key" Fae says with a shaky voice.

"Porkey?" Harry asks.

"It's a teleportation device Draco gave it to me"

"Who's Draco?"

"A boy I used to live with. Well him and his family"

"Why are you here now?"

Fae sighs and pushes herself up with her good arm to sit with her back up against the wall.

"Because the same person who put you here has a lot of people under him"

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