Wizard Court

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2 months later ....

Fae walks next to Draco towards the courtroom. Mr. Malfoy walks in front and Cissy walks behind them. Fae is wearing new clothes her red brown hair stands out starkly next to the white blonde of the Malfoy's ...

Whispers break out as she enters the room and she is surprised to see the entire Wizengamot. But she doesn't allow the surprise to show on her face. Draco and Cissy go and sit on the benches and Fae goes over to the witness box to sit down.

A woman comes over and she smiles at Fae.

"Hello Miss Smith I am Madame Bones the head of magical law enforcement she indicates another a man who's smiling at her and Fae feels shivers before she turns back to Madume Bones.   "He is Albus Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts and Chief Warlock..." Fae inclines her head slightly to him before she turns back to Madame Bones.

Then the woman goes over to a box next to Fae's and she reads from a piece of paper

"we are here today to determine if the Malfoy family is suitable for giving Miss Fae Smith care until such a time her family is found."

She looks around the room and she says "Mr. Malfoy has already taken Miss Smith into his home and cared for her along with his wife and potions master and certified healer Severus Snape."  She inclines her head to professor Snape who meets Fae's eyes for the briefest of moments before Madame Bones says

"Are there any objections thus far"

"I have objections" Fae hears Dumbledore speak up.

"Very well. Question or statement." She says.

"Both. If I may approach?"

"Very well" she says sitting back as he moves closer to Fae. Fae looks at him carefully and she quickly ensures her mind is protected even as he tries to infiltrate .... "Now then Miss Smith Fae is it? He continues
as he says are you certain it is in your best interest to stay with the Malfoy's?" He asks as people begin to mummer

"Yes." Fae answers simply.

"Explain your reasoning" he says coming closer.

Fae's eyes narrow and she says "they took me in and have helped me - ..."

"Surely you wish to return to your family ...it is not uncommon for unhappy children to run away
from their parents."

Fae looks down at her lap and her right hand curls into a fist.

Mama! Wake up! Wake up! Fae...Fae the doctor pulls at her arm you've got to run little fairy...Fae! Fae takes a few moments to turn. Then she does and she meets her uncles eyes. He picks her up and he begins to run. Hide your face little fairy. I must keep you safe...I promised I promised ....Fae hides her face closing her eyes. The doctor sets her down and kneels down to her. Fae listen to me you need to find a place called-

Draco goes over to Fae and he gently puts a hand on her hand.

Fae blinks and she reddens slightly.

Then she narrows her eyes and then she says "I have not run away. I am certain it is better I stay with the Malfoys. They have been kind to me"

Dumbledore goes to ask another question before Madume Bones stops him. "That is quite enough"

Madame Bones says she looks at
Fae. "Do you know of anyone who we can contact?" Fae shakes her head. "No Madame" Fae says softly.

"Do you....remember?" She asks.

"I...only flashes" Fae says. She studies Fae for a long moment and then her eyes soften and she nods. She turns to the Wizengamot and she says "I see no reason to keep Fae Smith from the care of the Malfoys. She will henceforth use the Malfoy name ....in due course a counselor will be appointed ...." Fae zones out slightly until she sees Draco who grins at her.  

Fae follows Draco and the Malfoy's out the back way to avoid the press. Mr. Malfoy puts a hand on her shoulder as they begin to leave.

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