Mr. Bellic and Ms. Philips || Chapter 24

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Finally, I can actually have a relaxing day off... After everything that's happened in the past week or so, I'm ready to just spend the rest of my life napping at this point. Just me, and Stormy. Having a nice, relaxing walk together...
Ring! Ring!
And... My phone is ringing again. Holding up my phone, I saw that my dad was calling me. I'm just glad it's not one of my many enemies calling me at this point...
Sofija: "Hey, dad! How you doing?"
Niko: "Hey, Sofi. I'm pretty good... Hey, where are you right now?"
Sofija: "Uh... Just outside, walking my dog. Nothing that interesting... Heh, why are you curious about where I am?"
Niko: "Actually, I wanted to surprise you with this, but... I'm in Los Santos right now. I wanted to see where I could meet up with you."
Sofija: "Wha... Y-you're in Los Santos? RIGHT NOW?!"
Niko: "Yeah, I just-"
Sofija: "You just got off your plane?! Wait, you're at the LS airport right now?!"
Niko: "Yes, I-"
Sofija: "Wait there! I'm driving over there right now!!"

Sometime later...
I quickly arrived at the airport, parking and looking around a bit. There was a lot of people at the airport, but I was able to eventually find my dad.
"Dad! Hey!!" I waved and called to my dad from the crowd, quickly gaining his attention. I quickly ran up to my dad, giving him a tight hug as he hugged me back.
"Sofi, hey! I almost didn't recognize you with the new hair..." Dad chuckled, both of us letting go of the hug as he smiled at me. "God, it's so nice to finally see you again. I can't believe it's been this long..."
"Yeah, it's been too long... But I'm so glad you're here!" I say excitedly, smiling back. Dad looked down at Stormy, who was circling around him, an excited wag in his tail.
"Hey, new dog, huh?" Dad chuckled, patting the top of Stormy's head.
"Yeah, Stormy is actually Blizzard's puppy..." I chuckled. "It's kind've a long story... Hey, dad... I thought you didn't have enough money for a trip out here! Oh, shit... Did you..."
"No no, nothing like that. I've been saving up my money from work for a while now." Dad says. "Although with how expensive my trip here was, I won't be able to stay too long with how much hotels cost..."
"Oh! Don't worry about paying for that shit... You can stay at my place!" I happily offer.
"Really? Well, if it's not any trouble..."
"Oh, come on dad! You're nuts if you think you're burdening me." I say. "But uh, my apartment... It's pretty small and shitty, heh..."
"Hey, anything beats living out in the streets."
"Alright, good... Come on, I'll bring you back there right now then!"

Sometime later...
I quickly drove dad back to my apartment, letting him inside. Immediately upon entering, Blizzard and Phantom both hopped off the couch, quickly walking up to my dad. Phantom purred as he rubbed against his leg, Blizzard excitedly wagging her tail as she nearly jumped on him.
"Whoa, down girl! It's nice to see you again..." Dad chuckled, leaning down as he pet both Blizzard and Phantom on the head. "You too..."
Dad stood back up, his nose scrunching up suddenly as his brows furrowed.
"Let me guess... Weird smell?" I asked.
"Yeah, it smells like a dead body in here..." Dad says, looking around the apartment with a confused look. "Where is that coming from...?"
"There's probably a dead body somewhere in the walls." I replied. "There was a mattress here that was covered in blood when I first moved in, so..."
"What the hell? Man, this place is weird." Dad chuckled.
"Yeah, just try and ignore it. I'll spray some air freshener in here again, that should help..."
"Ok..." Dad looked around my tiny apartment, his gaze fixating on my safe in the corner of the room. "Hey, is this where your keeping your funds? That's pretty smart."
"Yeah, thanks. Although... I don't exactly need the money in there anymore." I replied.
"...Why? Did you find your blackmailer?" Dad asked.
"Not yet, but I will soon... You heard about the Union Depository job?" I asked, feeling a smile creeping on my face.
"Yeah, it's been breaking news back in Liberty City too. I hear people talking about it constantly..." Dad says, looking back at me as his eyes slowly widened. "Wait a minute... Did you..."
"Yup! I was one of the people on that job!" I exclaimed proudly. "After that gold is sold, I'll have over 30 million dollars..."
"Wha... Wh... 30 MILLION?! Dollars?!" Dad nearly shouted, a look of absolute shock on his face that I'd never seen before. His eyes were so widened that they looked like they were gonna pop out of his head, looking like he was nearly about to pass out.
"Dad, are you alright?! Geez, don't pass out please..."
"I-I won't, I just... 30 million?!"
"Yes, dad... Stop freaking out already!" I pleaded.
"Wha- You're a multimillionaire now, Sofi! How am I not supposed to freak out about this?!" Dad says. It was hard to tell from his tone if he was upset, or just in too much shock to actually believe me. "I... You're... You're telling the truth... Right?" He asked.
"Of course I am! Why would I lie about that?! Dad, please calm down..."
"I... Shit, I'm sorry." Dad paused, shaking his head as he took a deep breath. "Sorry, I just... I can't believe you have that much money now!"
"Yeah... It's pretty awesome, right?" I say, proudly smiling.
"Yeah... It is..." Dad says, smiling as he took a couple steps closer to me. "You know... It's really amazing seeing how much you've grown. Since you moved out here... You've gotten so much stronger, and smarter now. I... I'm really proud of you, Sofija." Dad hugged me, as I hugged him back.
"...Thanks, dad."
You know, after everything that's happened in my life, I've always felt like a burden to him. Hearing my dad say today that he's proud of me... After all the hard work down here... It means more to me than anything else in the world.
"...Um... Sofi, are you... Are you sure that you're safe out here?" Dad asks, letting go of the hug. "After doing such a huge job like that..."
"Yeah, don't worry! I'm more safe than ever, actually... Well, for the most part." I reply. "Me and my friends tied up some loose ends recently, and Packie helped me take out Karen... Uh, you're not bothered by that, are you?" I asked.
"Why would I be? She never actually gave me a reason to forgive her." Dad replied. "Anything to make you more safe makes me happy."
"Ok, good. Just didn't know if you still had feelings for her..." I chuckled awkwardly.
"Oh, I've definitely moved on. Don't worry." Dad chuckled.
"Good... Oh! Packie! Dad, we should go hang out with him today." I excitedly offer. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you..."
"Yeah, but... I actually wanna do something else today." Dad says.
"Really? Alright... But what?" I asked.
"Well... Do you know who Trevor Philips is?" He asked.
...Oh. Oh shit.
"Um... Yeah, he's my friend." I replied, already starting to feel nervous. "Why? Do you know him?"
"No, but I saw his comments on my LifeInvader page..." Dad replied.
"LifeInvader? Hold on..." I quickly pulled out my phone, trying not to drop it from my nerves. I quickly pulled out my phone, opening my dad's LifeInvader profile. And I could see an older comment from Trevor, which read: 'IM GONNA FUCK YOUR DAUTER!! HAHAHAHAHA'
...Oh my fucking god. Are you kidding me right now? God, I haven't been on LifeInvader in so long. I just... I rarely use social media. Why the hell did Trevor do this?! What the hell is wrong with him?!
Why the hell did my dad never private his profile?!
How the hell did Trevor misspell the word daughter?!
"Ah... Ahaha... Um... Don't worry, that's just... Trevor has a weird sense of humor, that's all." I replied, chuckling nervously.
"Yeah? Well, I'd still like to meet him." Dad says.
...Fuck. I did not want this to happen. Look, I know it sounds weird, but... I can NOT let my dad and Trevor meet each other! My dad's just so protective of me, and... Look, I love... Er, like Trevor and all that, but no offense to him... Trevor's a fucking weirdo. My dad is NOT going to like him. I feel like those two are gonna end up killing each other if they meet. Argh, why does he want to meet Trevor of all people?! I would have been just fine if he wanted to meet Franklin, or Michael, Lester... Literally ANYONE that's not Trevor.
"Um... A-are you sure you don't wanna meet anyone else?" I asked, nervously tugging at my shirt collar as I could almost feel myself starting to sweat. "I mean, I have other friends you can meet too... What about, um..."
"No, it's fine... I just wanna meet Trevor today. I can meet your other friends another day." Dad sternly replied.
"Um... You sure? I mean, his place is all the way out in Sandy Shores. It's a pretty long drive from here, and you're probably tired from the plane ride here..." I replied. "And besides, he's always, um... Pretty busy. He might not even be home."
"I'm fine with it. Don't worry."
"Dad, are you like... Worried about him or something?" I asked.
"No, I just... I wanna meet him is all." Dad replied.
Oh, man... I can't make any more excuses here... Can I? Fuck...
"Urgh... Alright." I sighed, finally giving in. "Let's go."

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