Rockstar Bunni || Chapter 4

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Hey, it's now the next day, and... Guess who was able to find an apartment? Yup, that's me! Don't get me wrong, it's kind've a... Shitty apartment. And it's pretty small, but hey, it beats living out on the streets. And it also allows pets, and it's decently cheap... Well, cheap for a Los Santos apartment at least. I still can't believe how expensive some of the other apartments were when I was looking around. And I thought apartments in Liberty City were cheap...
Anyway, I only had enough money to rent the apartment for a couple months, but I'm sure I can get more money soon. Today I was finally able to move my stuff into my apartment, walking in today as I let Blizzard and Phantom run around in the apartment. Man, this place had a weird smell somewhere inside it too... Was a dead body hidden in here or something? This place didn't have any other furniture in it either, besides a dusty old mattress in the bedroom. I just really hope that thing doesn't have bed bugs in it. Man, I really need to save up enough money to buy some furniture soon...
I put my suitcase in my bedroom, unpacking some stuff. And after feeding Blizzard and Phantom, I opened up my phone, calling my dad...
Sofija: "Dad, hey! Sorry I didn't get to call you yesterday... It was a looong day."
Niko: "Hey, it's no worries. I'm just glad to hear from you. So how's Los Santos? Did you meet that blackmailer yet?"
Sofija: "It's alright so far. Haven't had much of a chance to look around yet. And yeah, I did yesterday. I met him in person. The guy's name is Lester, and I think he might be able to help me find my blackmailer."
Niko: "Really? You sure Lester and the blackmailer aren't the same person?"
Sofija: "I doubt it... Don't worry dad, I'm pretty sure I can trust him."
Niko: "Alright, sorry. I just can't help but worry. But if you think you know what you're doing... I'll trust you. Just be safe out there, alright?"
Sofija: "Don't worry, I'll be safe. I'll talk to you later, alright? I love you."
Niko: "Love you too, kid. Goodbye."
Hmm... What do I do now? Man, I'm gonna be honest. This past week or so has been stressful for me. I think I just wanna take the day off. Give myself the chance to explore Los Santos some more. Ooh, you know what? There's one good thing about this apartment... It actually has a pretty decent view of the beach. It's pretty far away, but I can still see the beach and the boardwalk as well right from my front window. I know what to do.
I'm gonna visit the beach!

Sometime later...
I spent a lot of time on the beach today, and I ended up bringing Blizzard with me, taking her out for a walk out there. I ended up spending a lot more time at the beach than I originally planned to, but hey, who can blame me? This beach is beautiful! I also got the chance to look around the boardwalk as well, and some of the shops along the beach as well. I couldn't spend any money anywhere, but it was honestly nice just to look around. I wish I brought my swimsuit with, though. Eh, I'll make sure I bring it next time. I really wanna go swimming...
I honestly didn't even realize how much time had passed by the time I left the beach... It was getting late enough that the sun was starting to set, and I was starting to get hungry as well. I don't have any food at home, since I didn't have time to go grocery shopping. Ok, and I'll admit, a part of me really wants to find a nice restaurant to eat at too. Won't hurt to spend a bit of money tonight, but I'll make sure to save the rest of it. Atleast, until I get my next pile of cash. Gotta be responsible for now...
Well, I was looking online for the best restaurants in the city, until I stumbled upon one. It was called the Golden Fox bar and club. It mostly had bar food on the menu, but it looked affordable enough and had good reviews, so... Good eatin, here I come!
I arrived at the bar, which was a pretty big bar. Walking in, my ears were already bombarded with how loud it was in there. The bar was filled with people yelling and cheering, and on the other side of the bar there was a big stage, with a rock band that was playing. I recognized the band that was playing, too... They were called the Bad Bunnies. The band was pretty famous, I've heard a few of their songs on the radio before. Well, the band was pretty famous, but most people only cared about their leader singer...

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