Pups in hiding || Chapter 14

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I feel better about my decision to free that man after talking to my dad yesterday, but on the other hand... What the hell am I supposed to do now? All day yesterday and this morning, I've been receiving angry texts from Karen, tons of missed calls, and even more angry voice mails. I've been ignoring every single one cause I'm honestly scared to talk to her now, especially if she's planning to send her people after me. I made sure to pack up some bare essentials though, just in case that happens. But for now, I know I can't ignore her for much longer.
So the second she called me again, I made sure to actually answer this time...
Karen: "Sofija?! What the hell is going on?! Where is Ferdinand?! You better have a good explanation for why you're taking so long."
Sofija: "I let him go."
Karen: "What?! Why the hell would you do that? Did you forget about our deal?!"
Sofija: "You can shove that deal up your ass, Karen. I am DONE working for you! I am DONE with all this horrible shit you people have been making me do! I can find other ways to find my blackmailer without whoring myself out for you assholes!"
Karen: "Haha... Oh man... You really are a piece of work, aren't you? I wasn't gonna tell you this, but..."
Sofija: "But what? Spit it out already."
Karen: "Aw, well... The thing is... Your blackmailer? We actually have no idea who it is. I just made up that convienent lie so you'd have a reason to work for us."
Sofija: "...WHAT?! So you're telling me that you made me do all this horrible shit all week for NOTHING?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
Karen: "It wasn't all for nothing, sweetheart. The thing is, criminal scum like you doesn't exactly deserve to walk freely through the streets alive. If you had just done this last job for us, we would have gone easy on you, you know? But now that you've gone behind our backs, me and everyone else at the IAA aren't exactly happy with you. But... I'm sure we can work things out together, right? I'll bring a few men over, have a little, er... 'Chat' with you. And don't try and run, cause remember... We know exactly where you live."
Sofija: "...FUCK YOU!!"
Fuck, no no no... This is so bad. I need to get out of my apartment...

Sometime later...
I'm so glad I had gotten enough stuff ready to leave my apartment right away, also bringing Phantom and Blizzard with as well. I had to leave most of my stuff there though, including my motorcycle... Man, this seriously sucks. Where the hell am I supposed to go now? I can't stay at my apartment anymore if the IAA are coming after me... I need to call one of my friends. See if there's anyone I can stay with, even if it's just for a day or two.
After driving away from my apartment, I stopped and rested at this dog park I've taken Blizzard to a bunch of times. I'm lucky this place allows cats too, so I was able to bring both of them outside, as I rested on a bench.
Who should I call first...? Hmm... I think I know who...
Sofija: "Hey, Trevor? Can I ask you something? There's uh... Something I need help with?
Trevor: "Uh, about that... Sorry to disappoint you Sofi, but I can't help with whatever it is. I can't exactly, uh... Set foot in Los Santos right now."
Sofija: "Why? What happened?"
Trevor: "Uh, long story short... Me and Michael did a job for this asshole Martin Madrazo yesterday. Didn't go well, guy said he wouldn't pay us, so I kidnapped his wife.
Sofija: "...Of course you did. So you and Michael have to hide out in Sandy Shores now?"
Trevor: "Yeah, pretty much... Can't go back to Los Santos, or Madrazo's people will find us. Sorry sugar. I'd help you out if I could, but... What'd you want help with, anyway?"
Sofija: "Uh... It's nothing too important, don't worry about it. I'll talk to you later, alright?"
Well, guess I can't live with Trevor right now. Although judging by the way he trashed Floyd's apartment, I'm probably better off not living with him anyway. Hmm, who do I call now...? Maybe I could try calling Packie...?
"Loona! Hey!" I could hear a familiar voice suddenly calling to me. I looked up from my phone and saw Franklin, as I waved back at him. This actually isn't the first time I've ran into Franklin at this park. He also had his dog Chop with him as well. Well, he says it's technically his friend Lamar's dog, but I always see him with Chop, so I'm sometimes a bit confused on who he actually belongs to. Well, Chop and Blizzard get along pretty well, and the two dogs love playing with each other every time we run into each other here.
"Loona, hey... You doing alright? You look kind of freaked out." Franklin asks.
"Yeah, well... Er, not really, actually. I've sort've run into a major issue." I awkwardly responded. Franklin looked down at Blizzard, who was laying down on the grass, looking tired. Chop was wagging his tail and circling around her a bit, letting out a sad whimper as he laid down next to her.
"What about Blizzard? She don't look too good either." Franklin says.
"Hell if I know. I wish I could take her to the vet, but I can't even go back to my own place."
"Shit, for real? Why, what's going on with you?" Franklin asks.
"Long story short, I made a deal with the IAA, ended up pissing them off..." I stated. "Now they're trying to hunt me down and kill me or some shit, now I can't even live peacefully at my own place."
"Damn..." Franklin was silent for a moment, looking surprised as he looked down at Chop and Blizzard. It looked like he was thinking for a moment as well.
"I mean... If you need somewhere to crash for a bit... You can stay at my place if you want." Franklin offers up.
"Wha... Really? I mean, only if you're fine with it. I don't wanna be an inconvenience to you."
"Nah, it's all good. Besides, I just moved into a new place anyway." Franklin states. "Lester gave me this big ass mansion for free. I wouldn't mind having someone to hang with there for a bit."
"Damn, for real? Shit, I mean... That'd be awesome! Thanks so much... This really means a lot to me."

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