The big score || Chapter 22

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The day is finally here... After all our planning, all our hard work to get us here... It's finally happening. The union depository... The big one. A job that belongs to us. Me, Michael, Trevor, Franklin, Lester... All of us. A heist that's our own, where if we do this correctly... We'll run away from it all with over 200 million dollars worth of gold. The day is finally here where we'll be making history.
I'm not gonna lie, I've been super excited about this job... But I'm also extremely nervous. I've been nervous before other big jobs before, but this one is different from all the others. This job... It's gonna be the most important heist of my life. Whether or not we all succeed, our lives will be on the line... My freedom is on the line. If I screw this up even once, I'll never be free of my blackmailer. I'll be chained to this person the rest of my life... This is a job I absolutely can't screw up... No matter what.
Agh, excuse my rambling, I'm just really nervous. But I gotta keep my anxiety hidden. I've always kept a cool head under my previous jobs before... I just gotta do the same now. Come on Sofi, pull it together... You've got this. You have to.
...Anyways, today all of us were meeting up at the Vanilla Unicorn. I remember a few days ago, where I met the other members of our crew as well. I know Packie's in on the job as well, alongside a few other crew members...

 I know Packie's in on the job as well, alongside a few other crew members

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One of them goes by Chef. He's one of our gunman, who's gonna help create our distraction with Michael. Trevor told me that Chef works for him, as a meth cook, and he seemed to vouch for his skills.

And the last crew member was this girl named Taliana, who was one of our getaway drivers, piloting one of the helicopters alongside Trevor

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And the last crew member was this girl named Taliana, who was one of our getaway drivers, piloting one of the helicopters alongside Trevor. Trevor told me that he first met her by finding her crashed out on the side of the road, but him and Michael seemed to believe in her skills regardless. There was also another driver who's driving the train that the gold is gonna be escorted out of the city by, but I didn't get to meet whoever it is. I just hope they're good as well... It looked like Michael picked out a pretty tough crew for this job, which definitely does help me feel better about it all.
So early in the day, I arrived at the strip club, walking into the back room where the others were already there.
"Heyy everyone! Who's ready for the big one?!" I excitedly shouted as I walked into the room.
"WOO!! YEAH!!" Everyone cheered, Lester throwing some clothing my way.
"Here!" I quickly caught the clothes.
"Thanks... I'm changing in here..." I say, pointing and walking over to the office door. "Any of you come in here before I'm done, I'll rip your heads off!" I casually threatened. I walked into the office, quickly changing my clothes. After we all finished changing, we all got ready to leave...
"Ready for action, huh?" Trevor says excitedly.
"Hell yeah, I'm ready!" I reply excitedly.
"Let's go!" Franklin says.
"Alright, I'm gonna meet with Chef at the bank..." Michael says. "Gold ain't ours yet, but we are this close!"
"Get the crew... Let's go!"
Me, Michael, Franklin and Trevor all left the building, getting into separate cars. I was supposed to be with Franklin and Packie working with the drill, so I hopped into Franklin's car with him, quickly driving our way towards our destination.
"Hey Sofi, you alright? You look a bit nervous..." Franklin asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm just... Uh, I'm fine. Don't worry..." I stuttered nervously in response.
"Hey, it's fine if you're nervous. I am a little bit too, if I'm being honest..." Franklin says. "But hey, you ain't gotta worry. We've all done so many other dangerous jobs and came out alright, didn't we?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right..."
"Yeah. And besides, after we're done with job, you'll finally be able to find your punk-ass blackmailer too, right?" Franklin asked.
"Oh, hell yeah..." I smiled, confidently nodding. "And I guess we wouldn't have made it this far if we weren't smart enough to get through our last jobs..."
"Yeah... I feel like I've gotten a lot smarter and stronger since I met Michael and started doing all these jobs..." Franklin says.
"Really? I feel the same way since I moved out here..." I say, nodding confidently. "Yeah... You're right, Franklin. We're totally gonna kick some ass today!"
"Hell yeah, that's the spirit! Let's do this shit."
We quickly arrived at the tunnel, getting out and making our way to the drill is, seeing Packie next to it as well.
"Hey! You two ready for this?" Packie asked, waving to us as we ran over to him.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I say, Franklin hopping into the drill and starting it up.
"Alright... Now we wait for the signal..."
We all had earpieces on of course, so now we just had to wait for Michael's signal... And soon, I could hear Michael and Chef shouting through the earpieces...
"Get down! Get down on the floor! You're being robbed!" I could hear Michael over the earpieces, him and Chef now creating the distraction at the bank.
"Alright, let's do this!"
Franklin charged the drill forward, completely drilling through the underground walls, breaking a giant hole into the vault of the bank. Franklin then backed up the drill, getting out as me and him ran into the vault.
"Cops will be here soon..." I say, hearing the bank's alarm echoing through the vast room. "We gotta hurry! Stand back, I'll blow these open..."
I quickly pulled out a couple of sticky bombs, planting them on the vault doors. I stood back, activating the bombs...
BOOM!! BOOM!! And completely blowing the doors open.
"Alright, they're open!" I shouted.
"Cops are coming out the tunnel behind me!" Packie shouted, me and Franklin ducking down as we pulled our guns out.
"Shit... Alright, you grab the gold, P! Me and F will hold 'em back." I shouted. Packie quickly ran into the vault, grabbing the containers the gold was inside of. Me and Franklin killed a bunch of cops running into the area, as Packie wheeled the first container of gold over to the pickup spot.
"Now we got 'em coming from the other side!!" Packie shouted.
"Stay here! I got the other side." Franklin says to me, running over and shooting cops coming from the other side. Me and Franklin covered both sides, shooting more cops as Packie wheeled the next and last container over to the pick up spot.
"Hey T, we got the gold ready to go." I say over the earpiece. "You ready?"
"Almost, helicopters inbound. See you in a second." Trevor answered.
We waited for a bit, until we could see the helicopters flying above the hole in the ceiling. Packie and Franklin both ran over to the gold, hooking the containers onto the helicopters...
"Shit, more cops are coming! They're in the vault!!" I shouted.
"On the floor! On the floor!!" I could hear them shouting at us. Packie and Franklin finished hooking up the gold, running back over to me. We all ducked down once more, shooting what was now NOOSE members in the vault area.
"Everything okay down there?" Trevor asked.
"Don't worry about us! Just get the bricks out." Franklin replied.
"There's a NOOSE team rappelling into the tunnel! I gotta pull out." Trevor says. I turned around, watching the helicopters fly off as I shot a bunch of the NOOSE guys that were about to rappel in.
"So the chopper's away?" Michael asks. "Alright, we're coming out the back door."
"Alright, man look, downtown's locked up tight, we should get outta here together, dog." Franklin says to Michael. "Meet at the footbridge to Arcadius."
"It's a risk... I'll cover you both, run and get out this way!" Packie says to us, pointing to a nearby exit.
"Shit, alright... Good luck out there, P." I waved goodbye to Packie, me and Franklin leaving the tunnel. Of course there was a ton more NOOSE men and cops out there, the two of us carefully shooting through a few more until we ran into Michael and Chef.
"Dman, you made it!" Franklin said to Michael. "Woo... After doing the walk in the Union Depository, man..."
"It was a whole lot less successful than your lick, but we needed to divide attention." Michael replied, as I shot a few more NOOSE men on the footbridge.
"Shit, we gotta get outta here..." I huffed.
"Let's go across the bridge!" Franklin says. As we started running across the bridge, another helicopter showed up, but I was quickly able to shoot it down. We couldn't stop moving, but there was constantly NOOSE men in our way... Having to constantly shoot our way through more and more men, slowly making our way forward. We went up these stairs, seeing another helicopter that Michael took down this time. More cops, more NOOSE... We had to shoot through so many of them, they would not stop coming no matter what. I'm just glad me and Franklin ran into Michael and Chef, otherwise there's no way in hell we'd survive this all just on our own. I just hope Packie's doing alright. He's out there all on his own... Maybe the cops lost sight of him trying to chase us? Probably...
Well, once we reached the other side of the building, we were all spooked by a buzzard suddenly shooting at us.
"OH! GET IN COVER!!" Michael shouted, all of us ducking down. Damn, these guys ain't messing around anymore, are they?
It was a bit difficult peeking up from how rapidly the buzzard was shooting at us, but with all of us blindly shooting at the buzzard, we were quickly able to take it out.
"Hey, down here!" Franklin shouted, all of us running down another flight of stairs. I know we're getting closer to where our getaway car is now... Hopefully we can make it.
"Eh, is the metal safe? Merryweather ain't gonna jack your ass?" Franklin asked Trevor over the earpieces.
"We're outside town, waiting on the train. No Merryweather on the horizon." Trevor answered.
"Aight, cool."
We shot through a few more cops, making out way down a ramp, finally arriving at the parking ramp where our getaway car is at.
"Getaway cars over here! Let's go!" I shouted. We all shot a few more cop cars, before the four of us quickly hopped into the getaway car, Michael driving out of the ramp. Now all we had to do was escape the cops, but... Easier said than done. There was still a bunch of cop cars chasing after us, another helicopter up in the sky as well. I quickly smashed my window open, shooting out a couple of the cop car's tires, causing them to swerve out.
"Go into that tunnel over there!" I shouted. "The helicopter won't see us in there."
Michael quickly maneuvered the car, driving into the tunnel. He kept driving further and deeper into the tunnel, refusing to stop for even a second. Wait, is this the same tunnel we drove through during the Vangelico heist? Huh, funny how things work out...
I'm guessing none of the cops saw us drive into the tunnel, cause we couldn't hear a single sign of police cars as we kept driving through the tunnel. Eventually Michael slowed the car to a stop, as we all waited silently for a few moments... And still, heard no sign of cops.
"Are we in the clear now?" I asked.
"I think so... But we should stay down here for a bit just to be sure." Michael replied. "For now, let's check in on the gold... Trevor, Lester, come in."
"Mikey? Mike! How you doing?" Trevor quickly answered.
"T, I think were in the clear... You doing alright?" Michael asked.
"We've got company! Looks like Merryweather!" Trevor says.
"Shit... Hang in there, Trevor!" I chimed into the conversation.
"Aww, you worried about me, Sofi?" Trevor asked teasingly.
"Yeah, but only because you're carrying millions worth of gold!" I replied sarcastically.
"Yeah, well, I'll be fine as long as Lester back here knows how to work that RPG of his!" Trevor replied.
"RPG? Wha..."
I could quickly then hear Trevor's signal cut. Did he just say Lester was using an... RPG? Um... Am I supposed to be worried here? I didn't hear any kind of explosion or screaming on his end, so I'm sure he's fine... Agh, I really hope so.
"We should probably get outta here now, meet up with the others in Sandy Shores..." Michael says, starting to drive again.
Michael eventually made his way out of the tunnel, and luckily there was no cops looking for us anymore. I was glad we were in the clear now, but what about Trevor and the others? All I could do until we reached our destination was wait... Wait with my gaze staring out the car window as I waited for Trevor or Lester to pick up on the call again.
"You really that worried about Trevor, huh?" Franklin asked.
"Duh, of course I am... He's carrying half the gold right now." I grumbled in response.
"Yeah, it's totally just the metal you're worried about..." Franklin replied, and I could almost hear a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Hey, this is Trevor we're talking about. I've seen all the crazy shit he's done, he'll be fine!" Chef says.
"I know, I just..."
Click! I quickly paused mid-sentence when I heard the earpiece click on again.
"Shit- Trevor! You alright out there?!"
"Uhh, this is Lester, not Trevor." Lester answered instead. "Yeah, we're in the clear... Gold's on the train, and the Merryweather channel is dead. They're not sending anyone else after us, so... We're good. Oh, and I'm fine too, by the way." Lester remarked sarcastically.
"Heh, sorry Lester..." I chuckled in response.
"You were really that worried me, huh sweetheart?" Trevor chuckled. "I would have assumed you were more worried about me than the gold!"
"Hey, I'm allowed to worry about both of you." I laughed.
"Well quit your worrying, alright? We finally did it!"
"WOO! YEAH, WE DID IT!!" All of us cheered.

Sometime later...
I can't believe it... WE ACTUALLY DID IT!! HELL FUCKING YES!! This job couldn't have gone more perfectly, and I am nothing but happy about it...
We drove up to Sandy Shores, meeting up with Trevor, Lester, and Taliana, all of us cheering and celebrating.
"YEAH!! WE DID IT!! WOO!!" All of us cheered excitedly. I high-fived Michael and Lester, giving Trevor and Franklin quick hugs as well. Michael was about to hug Trevor as well, but Trevor held him hands up defensively instead, rejecting the hug.
"We...! Are... Good... Alright?" Trevor says, Michael's smile fading away.
"Wow... You are one serious fucking buzzkill." Michael remarked in response, looking nearly surprised by Trevor's sudden attitude.
"Hey look man. I'm gonna get the car up out of here, alright?" Franklin says.
"I'll come with you, Franklin." I say, Franklin nodding in response.
"Hey, you two... Come with me." Lester points to Trevor and Michael. "I'm gonna need some help getting the metal in storage for a few days before I can sell it."
"Both of us?" Trevor asked in annoyance.
"Yes, both of you!"
"Alright, it's been a pleasure working with you." Michael says to Chef and Taliana. "You'll get paid when we get the cash. But until then, I want you to keep it on the down low. No new cars, no vacations..."
"No nothing!!" Trevor shouted, cutting off Michael. "Now come on, sugar!"
And with that, I hopped into the car with Franklin... As we drove off.

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