Deathwish || Chapter 23

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I know it happened days ago, but I still can't believe... We actually pulled it off. We pulled off the BIG ONE!! HELL. FUCKING. YES!! It's still so amazing how well that job went... Didn't miss a single brick of gold, and nobody died! It couldn't have gone any better, and I am nothing but grateful and happy for it. And now... I can finally find my blackmailer. Well, soon I can. The money still hasn't been transferred yet, but I know it will soon. And besides, my blackmailer hasn't contacted me in a while, so I'm in no big rush to find 'em.
For now, I'm just gonna kick back and relax. God knows I deserve a bit of rest after all this...
Knock! Knock!!
Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. Who the hell would be at my door right now...? I didn't invite anyone over today.
I got up off my couch, looking through my peephole and immediately rolling my eyes when I saw who was at the door.
Ugh, great. It's Steve again...
I opened up my door, Steve glaring at me with his arms crossed.
"Ugh... Why the hell are you here?" I grumbled at him.
"You fucking kidding me? You know why, missy." Steve snapped back at me. "Trevor Philips. I know he's still alive... And Franklin still refuses to kill him, so you're gonna have to!"
"You're still trying to make me do this shit?" I rolled my eyes once more, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I told you I'm not killing my friend, so get the fuck out of here already!"
"Oh ho ho, you really think you're the one who can boss me around? I can-"
"I'm not gonna ask you again." I hissed, pulling out a knife as I pointed the blade at his neck. "Get the fuck off my property... Or you know what happens next."
Stormy was even standing behind me as well, an aggravated stance as he growled at Steve. Steve held his hands up defensively, taking a step back... As a smirk suddenly appeared on his face.
"You really think it's wise to threaten me? I don't think it's a good idea to piss us off, like you did with the IAA..." Steve says.
"What? How did you..."
"Clock's ticking, girlie. If I don't see a gravestone with Trevor's name on it before the end of the week, I'll make sure that spot in the cemetery is reserved for you instead... Got it?"
"...FUCK YOU!"
I quickly slammed the door in his face, letting out a loud groan as I quickly fell to the floor. Fuck, I can't believe this shit... What the hell am I supposed to do now?! Am I gonna have to leave my apartment again? No way in hell I'm gonna kill Trevor. But I have no idea what else I'm supposed to do...
Ring! Ring!! I suddenly heard my phone ringing. Pulling it out of my pocket, I answered when I saw that Franklin was calling...
Franklin: "Shit, Sofi... You busy right now? I really need your help..."
I could hear that Franklin's voice sounded really panicked.
Sofija: "No, I'm not busy... Why, what's going on?"
Franklin: "This is fucked, dog... I got two different people that are asking me to kill both Michael and Trevor!"
Sofija: "Was Steve asking you to kill Trevor? He just showed up at my doorstep pressuring me to kill him too."
Franklin: "Yeah, but this asshole Devin Weston just showed up at my doorstep right now, too... Now he's asking me to kill Michael!"
Sofija: "Devin Weston? Who's that?"
Franklin: "This rich asshole that me, Michael and Trevor worked for a bit. He made us steal some cars for him, only for his bitch ass to scam us in the end. Now he wants me to kill Michael."
Sofija: "Shit... I'm glad you called me about this. Steve threatened to kill me if I don't take down Trevor. I really don't wanna kill him, though..."
Franklin: "That makes two of us... No way in hell I'm killing Michael either. I was talking to Lester just now. I'm gonna meet with him at his place right now to try and figure out something... Can you meet us there? I really need your backup right now."
Sofija: "Yeah, of course I will... I'll meet you there in a sec."

Sometime later...
I'm glad Franklin asked Lester for help. Hopefully he'll be able to come up with a solution to all this...
After the phone call I immediately drove over to Lester's place, meeting up with Franklin as we were both welcomed into his house.
"Hey! What's the panic, you two?" Lester says as we walked into his room.
"What the fuck do you think?!" I could hear the panic in Franklin's voice. "Man, imagine the fucking scenario that will fuck things up the worst!"
"That asshole Steve is trying to force me to kill Trevor!" I quickly snapped, also feeling panic rising in me. "I can't do this shit, but he's gonna try and kill me if I don't!"
"Steve's trying to make me do the same shit too!" Franklin says. "And I got some other motherfucking wanting me to kill Michael... We're fucked, man! I don't know what the fuck to do right now."
"Well, I can see that..." Lester says. "Franklin, who asked you to kill Michael?"
"Devin Weston, man. You know, that old, that uh..."
"Oh, that angry rich fucker from whatever hole he hibernates in." Lester replied.
"Alright, alright. I say..." Lester paused, silent for a quick moment. "Franklin, kill Michael. Then uh, Sofi... You kill Trevor."
"...Man, are you for real?" Franklin huffed out in annoyance."
"You cannot be serious right now." I angrily sighed.
"You two are fucked! Y'know, I-I don't know!" Lester nervously stammered.
"You know everything, dog!"
"Come on, Lester... You've helped us out so many other things before! There's gotta be some way out of this..." I pleaded.
"I know, ok? But I-I I'm sorry. I guess this is it, you know? I'm doing my best here..." Lester sighed. "I don't know how you two can deal with both of them."
"I know, man..." Franklin grumbled.
"God... This fucking sucks." I also grumbled.
"Shit... Were fucked! Every single one of us is fucked." Lester sighed, going silent for a moment. Lester's expression then suddenly lifted, looking like an idea popped up on his head.
"Unless... Okay... Steve Haines is under a lot of heat because of the shootings at Kortz Center." Lester states. "And Devin Weston's... A, known to be a major asshole, and B. Known to be friendly with Don Percival, who runs Merryweather. I think actually, Weston owns a piece of Merryweather." Lester wheeled over to his computer, typing quickly.
"Right, eleven percent. Pretty good for a pseudo-liberal, owning a private army." Lester says. "So... They would both love to involved in capturing the bullion that we just lifted. If I tell them both that you all are at the foundry in Murrieta Heights melting it down, then maybe, maybe, both of them will pay you a visit, and... Bam! We turn it into a... A bust!"
"I ain't got no better ideas." Franklin says.
"I'm done for this." I nodded.
"Alright... I'm gonna get in touch with Michael and Trevor." Lester says. "You two go to the foundry and get yourself set up."
"I gotcha." Franklin says.
"Thanks Lester." I say, both me and Franklin walking out of his house.
"Hey, imma call my boy Lamar for extra backup before I head to the foundry." Franklin says.
"Yeah, alright, that's a good idea... I'll meet you there, then."

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