Trevor's truck || Chapter 5

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Well, now that it's Friday, I need to officially set out today on another job to make some more money. I called Lester yesterday, and he said he had another job for me... He did say though that the job would be a bit farther away, but at this point it doesn't matter much to me... As long as I can get the money, then I'll go any lengths for it.
Today Lester wanted to meet me at his house to discuss the job. I drove to his place a bit earlier in the morning, going into his house and meeting up with him.
"Hello, Loona... You ready for this next job?" Lester asked, greeting me.
"Yeah, just... Hold on a sec." I say, pulling out my phone, as I called my blackmailer. I know this seems weird and random to do, but I really wanted to make sure that Lester and the blackmailer aren't the same person. I thought now that I was in his house, I could see if I could hear a ringtone anywhere. While I was calling, I was listening for a ringtone anywhere in the house, Lester looking up at me as he raised an eyebrow. I didn't hear a single ring in the house, the call not being picked up.
"...Still think I'm the one blackmailing you?" Lester asked with a sarcastic tone.
"I'm sorry... I just wanted to make sure." I mumbled, feeling awkward as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Uh, so... What was that job you had for me again?"
"Let's see here..." Lester scooted his wheelchair to a nearby computer, typing a bit and opening up some files. I leaned down a bit to look at whatever he was doing, but I honestly could not understand anything I saw on that screen.
"You said you'd be fine with a bit of a longer travel for this one... You ever been out to Sandy Shores before?" Lester asked.
"Not yet... Is that the desert area outside of the city?" I asked.
"Yup... There's a drug deal going on in Sandy Shores. A van is gonna transport to this location..." Lester states. "If you can raid that van and take all their drugs, you'll be able to make a decent amount of money selling it all. Let's say, around... At least 5 to ten thousand dollars? I'll send you the location of the van right now."
"Alright... Doesn't sound too hard. Thanks, Lester."

A few hours later...
Man, I knew Sandy Shores was gonna be farther away, but damn! Took me like, three hours just to finally arrive here. It was a bit annoying having to drive this far just for one job, but there's always a solution when it comes to boring car rides... Just have some good music to listen to! Any good soundtrack will make any boring tasks go by in a breeze... And I really like listening to the Non-stop pop radio. Reminds me of some of the songs I listened to on the Vibe radio station back in Liberty City. Yeah, I like listening to cheesy pop music... What of it? Heh, bet you didn't expect that from me, huh?
Eh, but that's enough of talking about my music tastes. Now I was finally in Sandy Shores. I've always spent my whole life living in cities. I've barely been to that many rural areas, especially a desert... The desert was pretty vast, and not nearly as populated as the city. I could see mountains in the faraway distance as well. It was way different from the cities, but I actually kind've liked it. No time for sightseeing, though... I'm on a job here.
I found the location where the drug deal was supposed to go down, which was an area behind this smaller abandoned building. Luckily nobody had arrived yet, so I parked my car behind a hidden spot, getting my shotgun ready as I waited. And after waiting for around 20 minutes or so, I eventually saw the van pull up to the spot. I waited for a few seconds first, watching a few men get out of the van, waiting around now for whoever they were about to sell their drugs to. I knew I had to hurry now though, before the buyers show up. So I quickly looked out, aiming my gun...
BANG!! And shot one of the men. The other few men quickly pulled out their guns, trying to shoot at me as well. Luckily it was hard for them to hit me where I was, so I was able to carefully peek out again, and shoot. Peek and shoot. Peek and shoot. And quickly, I was able to kill all the men. I quickly then ran over to the van, grabbing a bunch of boxes and cases of drugs, moving them into my car. I grabbed as much of them as I could before anyone else could show up, as I quickly drove away. But quickly, I could already hear cop sirens in the distance looking for me. Shit, those buyers must have arrived and seen the dead bodies... I gotta find a place to hide.
I ended up driving around wildly, looking around for a spot to hide from the cops. My car was starting to get fucked up though from the rough driving, and I could see some smoke coming out from under the hood. Shit, I need to find another car...
I had to park in a parking lot of this smaller drug store. The parking lot only had one car...

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