Clueless || Chapter 21

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I didn't even notice this until now, but... I just realized I've been living in Los Santos for over a year now. Time really feels like it's been flying by so damn fast that I didn't even notice. I'd guess it probably has something to do with all the crazy shit I've been doing since I moved out here. I honestly never thought I'd be doing these kinds of crazy jobs. Back in Liberty City, I only did small, casual jobs for money. Robbing grocery stores, doing drug deals... But here? Doing insane, dirty jobs for the government, bank robberies that could be written down in history books.
Was Packie right about me being an experienced criminal? Maybe I have gotten better at my job since I moved out here. I never expected myself to be doing all this crazy shit out here, but so far I've been doing pretty good at all of them. I never made nearly close to the amount of money I have now back in Liberty City... Liberty City... I really miss my family. I especially miss my dad. I... I've never gone this long without him in my life before, and I really miss him. But after I do the Union Depository job, I can finally make enough money to find my blackmailer. Then I'll finally be free. I can move on with my life, and... I can see my family again.
Oh, right, about the Union Depository job... Well, good news is, we're finally continuing on with the plans on that job. I can tell that Michael and Trevor still hate each other, but it seems like the two are now able to tolerate each other's existence at the very least for this job. I mean, the two of them can't be in the same room without arguing, though... Like a few days ago, for example... Franklin's friend Lamar had some trouble going on outside the city, so Franklin called me, Michael, and Trevor to help him out. The two kept arguing every time they were in each other's presence, and it didn't stop when all of us were finally creating and finishing the plans for the big score. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we're all still doing the job together, but it's seriously getting annoying how these two can't be in a room together without arguing about something. I just hope these two can actually start getting along soon. Otherwise I'm worried these two will end up killing each other during the job. Hopefully that doesn't happen...
...Oh! I really wanna talk about our final plans for the job. There was two different approaches we could take with the job, and we ended up with what was called the obvious approach. Basically the plan is... A few of us will create a distraction at the front of the building, like some kind of fake robbery. Then others will use a big drill to drill into the safes where the gold is. We grab the gold, and put it on these helicopters. It sounds simple enough written on paper, but I'm sure it's gonna get messy once we're actually out there. We also picked out the rest of our crew members as well, and I'm really happy that Michael chose to bring Packie in on such an important job as well. Michael seems to like Packie and his skills a lot. Told me how glad he was that I found him...
Man, I can't wait to do this job... And all we need to do is a few more preparation jobs, and we'll finally be ready. Actually, today I'm planning on getting one of those jobs done. We've all assigned ourselves jobs to do to finish up preparations, and my job is to steal the giant drill that we need to get inside the vault. I know where the drill is, and I have the perfect plan to do this. Just hope I can do this correctly without the cops coming after me.
...Well, the thing is, I know where the drill is. But the only problem... There's a ton of workers in the area that it's at. I was scoping the place out yesterday on top of the roof, trying to come out with the best way to go about this as cleanly as possible, and... I made a plan. After calculating in my head the locations of where each of the workers were standing, I found a way I could snipe out each of them without alerting anyone else. So I bought a sniper rifle, added a suppressor to it, and... BAM! I was successfully able to steal the drill, without the cops coming after me.
Maybe I have become smarter, too, heheh... I feel like the old me would've been too impatient and dumb to pull off a trick like that.
After stealing the drill, I dropped it off in this small parking lot that we had reserved for the drill... Now I just have to wait until the others are done with their work... Then it's big score time.
Hmmm... What do I do now? I think I need to relax for a bit. Maybe I should take Blizzard and Stormy to the dog park? Yeah... I'm gonna do that.

Grand Theft Auto V: Los Santos moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now