Government work || Chapter 12

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"Whoa whoa, hey now..." I held my hands up defensively, taking a step back from the two men aiming their guns at me, their black van blocking me from exiting the alleyway. "Come on, let's be sensible about this. I haven't done anything wrong, alright?" I lied, trying to negotiate with them. "That tow truck... It was like that when I got here!" I say, pointing to the tow truck I had just blown up seconds ago.
"Whatever crimes you've just committed doesn't matter to us, miss Bellic." One of the men says sternly. "You're coming with us. Don't fight back unless you want things to be harder for both of us."
Shit, there's no way I'm getting out of this, am I? Who the hell are these men supposed to be anyway?
"...Fuck you. You losers ain't my parents." I huffed, trying to take more rapid steps back... But one of the men suddenly grabbed my arm, yanking me forward...
"Fuck off! Let me go!!" I angrily snapped, trying to wrestle myself free from the man's grasp. But the other man quickly whacked me upside the head with his gun...
...Which was the last thing I felt as the impact quickly knocked me out.

Sometime later...
...Urgh... Man, my head hurts... Where the hell am I?
I slowly cracked open my eyes, seeing that I was now in a small, empty room. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't move my arms and legs, looking down and seeing that my limbs were tied down to a metal chair by some ropes.
"Argh... What the fuck?" I tried pulling my hands out of the ropes, but to no avail. The metal chair was so damn heavy too, that I couldn't even move it all, despite trying to shake my body around.
Crrrreaaaaakkk... I watched as the heavy metal door to the room slowly creaked open, seeing a man quickly peek in. The second he saw me, he quickly turned his head over to the side...
"Karen! She's awake!!" The man shouted, his head disappearing from out of view.
"Hey! Get back here you pussy!!" I shouted, the man ignoring me as a woman soon walked into the room...
...Oh... Oh shit. I recognize this woman. This was the woman that was hurting that one guy with a flashlight that me and the others kidnapped days ago... Shit, was I right about this woman being familiar to me?
"If I were you, miss Sofija Bellic... I'd stop mouthing off to my coworkers like that." The woman says.
"Shut up, you're not my mom." I angrily grumbled back in response. "Who the hell even are you anyway?"
"You really don't recognize me, huh?" The woman asks, a smirk on her face as she chuckled. "Ah, I guess I shouldn't be surprised... We only met once, after all... Well, I'm agent Karen Daniels. You may not know me well, but I know your dad does. All those hot coffee dates we had together..."
...Oh, fuck. I remember this woman now. It's such a faint memory of mine, but I met her once when me and dad first arrived in Liberty City. I remember meeting her once when the two were about to go off on a date together. That was the only time I saw her in person... Until now, at least. Years later, my dad told me that she was working for the government, and lied to him about how she really was.
"...You know what? I don't give a fuck who you are. Especially after what you did to my dad." I angrily hissed back. "And if you think for a second, you're gonna use me to go after him, then you're-"
I was suddenly cut off when Karen roughly grabbed my neck, choking me as I could only let out choked gasps in response.
"Let me remind you who's in charge here." Karen hissed, letting go of my neck as I gasped for breath. "...If I were you, I'd choose your next words carefully."
I coughed and gasped, trying to catch my breath as I glared up at Karen fiercely. "Heh... That's the best you got? You fucking bitch."
WHAM!! Karen suddenly roughly punched me in the face, hitting me right in the nose.
"AGHH!! FUCK..." I hissed, feeling the stinging pain reverberating through my face. I felt my head go limp from the pain, now seeing blood start to drip out of my nose, droplets of blood staining my clothes.
"You really do take after Niko in so many ways, don't you?" Karen chuckled.
"Urgh.. The fuck is wrong with you?! I..." I looked back up at Karen, a devious smirk on her face as something suddenly popped up in my head. "Wait a minute... Are you the one who's been blackmailing me?"
"...Blackmailing?" Karen only shook her head in response, a low chuckle reverberating out of her throat. "I'm not the one who's doing that, but... What would you say if I told you I knew who it was?"
"...You have to tell me who it is. Please! I'll do anything." I pleaded.
"...Anything, huh?" Karen's smirk only widened even more. I swear if her smirk grew any bigger, it would split her face in half. Shit, now I regret saying anything now. But...
"If you want me to tell you the identity of your blackmailer... You're gonna do everything I ask you to do. Got it?"
"What... Do you want me to do?" I asked. Karen didn't reply at first, pulling a baton out of her pocket. "I'll tell you your first job tomorrow, alright? Now..."
"Wait, I-"

Grand Theft Auto V: Los Santos moonlightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن