12 • In this together

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The group all sat down for a dinner made by Angel. He had been hard at work making his favorite Italian dish he used to make in his human life. A long table was set up nicely in the large dining room, finally giving them an excuse to use it for once!

Angel placed the last dish on the table, walking behind Husk and hugging him from behind, resting his head on the back of his for a moment.

Alastor watched them from the other side of the table, remembering the time Lucifer had done that...
His eyes flicked over to the king, who sat on the far end of the table. Alastor knew his choice to sit as far away as he could was intentional. Ever since their little...moment that night by the piano— Lucifer had been avoiding him as much as he could.
The king didn't notice the red eyes on him, he was focused on the one empty chair next to Vaggie.

Everyone was present, except Charlie— she had been upstairs for a while now and her father was starting to wonder. Excusing himself from the table, he made his way upstairs to find her.


Almost half an hour has passed and everyone was finishing up their meals. Alastor only ate the meat portion on his plate of course. Vaggie gave everyone a reassuring smile "Charlie would have loved this, thank you Angel".
Angel paused, waiting for some sort of insult or negative comment to leave her mouth, but that was it. He smiled back with a wink "My pleasure".

Mildly concerned for the two absent demons, Alastor was snapped out of his thoughts by Nifty stabbing a roach that had crossed her plate. Vaggie fiddled with her fingers "Mmm I don't know maybe I should go check up on them" she said, not noticing Alastor slowly slip away into the darkness of his magic.

Upstairs in Charlie and Vaggies room, Lucifer and the princess sat on the foot of the bed, as Charlie was almost in a state of panic. Alastor appeared just outside the door, careful for them not to hear him spawn abruptly.

He pressed an ear to the door to listen, only making out a few words Charlie was saying. "Seven years", "Mom", and "Confused" were the words to make him stiffen. Lucifer comforted his daughter, and she decided to head back downstairs to join the others. Hearing footsteps approaching, Alastors heart sank to his stomach and he jumped out of sight when the door opened.

Charlie stopped, looking down the long eerie hallway sure she heard something. Blinking away a small tear, she continued walking and completely missed the radio demon lurking in the shadows behind her.

The king stood by the big window, sharply inhaling when the thought of Lilith flashed in his mind. He closed his eyes, resting his forehead the glass with an exhale.

Emily, one of the seraphim's had been in contact with Charlie through a small portal she learned how to conduct. She had some rather concerning information about Lilith she needed Charlie to know. For the first time in seven fucking years, what the hell was she doing that involved Charlie?

Lucifer's eyes slowly opened, looking to the side "You lack the concept of knocking too" he said. Alastor froze like a deer in headlights, he thought he was being rather stealthy.

Not bothering to turn around to face the radio demon, the king just watched the heaven portal up high in the red cloudy sky. "Did you know about this?" He asked.

Alastors ears dropped to the side a bit, utterly confused "I don't follow" he replied. Lucifer huffed "She's coming down here. To the hotel. To do who knows what. Alastor what- what the fuck do I do?" He said holding a hand to his forehead.

Alastor didn't have an answer, feeling helpless. The king turned around and walked into the other demon, grabbing his lanky arms and wrapping them around himself. The feeling of his head pressed against his chest made Alastors entire face flush. Going from completely avoiding each other to this was enough to give Alastor a whiplash.

"She's coming because there's been proof of redemption" Lucifer spoke, his voice timid. "Charlie's dream is becoming a reality. And she's coming down here to fuck it all up".

With that information, Alastor felt himself merely melt. Redemption was actually possible? This had to be a joke.
He let out an awkward forced laugh "Haha that's...another joke again... right?" He asked, his eyes flicking back and forth.

The silence that followed was enough to answer that question. Alastor looked down at the top of the kings head, noticing that whenever he hugged him, he would always sway his body slightly back and forth. He allowed himself to relax into the touch, his body very slightly following the kings.

Lucifer noticed this. He shifted his head to look to the other side of the room, his cheek now squished against the demons chest. "She won't come alone, she will have angels with her" he said. Alastors arms tightened a little "And may I remind you that we defeated them just a few weeks ago?" He added. His fingers found their way to just slightly touch the back of his bare shoulder.

The king nodded "That's true. But I don't want to risk loosing anyone else" he said almost whispering. The thought of loosing anyone, after they've all gotten so close— was just too much to bear.

Alastor let his arms loosen so the king would look up at him "I have sworn to protect this Hotel, Charlie, and all the hotels occupants at all costs. Were in this together" he said. The kings face softened ever so slightly "I like your attitude, Red"
The radio demon smiled back, taking a moment to register the nickname "Red" had made its return.

"When shall we expect their arrival?" Alastor asked, now a distance from the king. Lucifer stood up straighter "We have until the next extermination".

Alastor nodded "Very well" he spoke, stopping to read the expression painted on the kings face. He was just so sad, and Al noticed it was hard to see this man in such a way. "I should g— I should head to my tower now" The demon said. He turned and headed for the door, leaving Lucifer standing in the empty room alone. The quicker he could leave, the quicker he could escape this awkward situation.

He looked back as the door started to close behind him. Inches away from completely shutting closed, the king moved "Wait, Alastor?". The demon held the door open with his foot "Mm?". "Can I come with you?" He asked, looking almost like a shy little kid.

Alastor opened the door about another inch "I have things... to do..." he said, sounding toooatalyyyy 100% convincing. Lucifer eagerly walked to the door "I just have so much to say right now".

Alastor looked side to side, making sure no ears were listening. "If you'd like" he replied.

A/N: Sososososo sorry about the wait! College finals were kicking my ass but I'm finally able to tackle this story again!

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