8 • Radio wins

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Lucifer knew these three things about Alastor...One, he is a killer. Two, he is annoying as shit. Three, he is untrustworthy.

Each day he would be in Lucifer's room, allowing himself to be vulnerable and let the king replace his chest bandages. This was totally out if his character, but there was something that made him want to let Lucifer help him. It just wasn't enough to put into words.

Lucifer placed the last bandage and gave it two pats "There you go, Red. You know I think you're educated enough to do this on your own" a smug grin spread on his face "or do you wike it when I hewlp with your boboos?" He said mockingly in a baby's voice. Alastor stood "Hilarious".

As the radio demon headed for the door he paused for a moment "Will we be seeing you for Charlie's picture show night?" He asked with his back turned to the king. Lucifer chuckled "Sounds like you want me there. Am I growing on ya, Red?" He said teasingly crossing his arms to his chest. "Just asking a question, get your head out of your ass" Alastor replied.

Lucifer chuckled under his breath, his hands reaching in one of his pockets. "Catch" he tossed a small yellow object to the other demon. It made a squeak when Alastor caught it. A small rubber duck with deer antlers. This fucking idiot.

Alastor rolled his eyes, an annoyed yet amused smile plastered on his face. Lucifer saw that look, he totally liked the duck. "Yes I'll be there" he said to answer the demons question. "Hm, see you then" was only reply he got as Alastor faded away slipping under the door.

Lucifer let out a soft sigh as he watched the final remains of Alastor disappear. Today was a hard day. He had been upstairs spending his time staring at the wall thinking about his marriage, or what it used to be. Lilith meant the world to him and he loved her with everything he had. He never really thought about loving someone else, I mean how could he? That's not possible, right?

He supposed living here was the key to the piece in his heart that was missing, and moving in to be with his daughter was the best thing that had happened to him for a very long time. He was finally whole again, and had everything he could ask for.

His little side projects only entertained him for so long, and as of late it was just a reminder of his time alone, seeing as he had the time to create so many ducks for each different stage of grief and sadness that washed over him. Working on Alastor was... refreshing? Something new that he put his mind to and spend time on.

He rubbed his temples with a groan. Satan, he was such a fucking moron. He was supposed to hate Alastor. He's a killer, he's annoying, he's untrustworthy... and he's capable of change.

Before he got himself in a frenzy, he put on his duck pattern pajamas and headed downstairs for the hotels first movie night.


What Charlie had organized for the group consisting of a variety snacks and goodies, cozy pajamas, pillows and blankets, all ended up to be one big pillow and food fight.

The movie played in the background with no one actually watching it. Angel had started the war of course, and it was just too fun not to join in.

Nifty went crazy pummeling her pillow into the back of everyone's head. Angel and Cherri fought for the last bit of whatever drug was lined up on the table. Husk and Vaggie pretended to play along, barely hitting each other with their pillows, while Charlie and Lucifer had created a cushion fort with the couch and blankets for a tarp.

Their laughter echoed in the hotel, summoning the radio demon into the room to observe. "It appears I'm late to the battle" he said. Nifty scurried over "I'm here at your command sir! What's your order?" She said, raising her hand to salute the demon. Alastor laughed "Attack whom you must dear". He scanned over the chaos, meeting Lucifer's eyes for a second before a spider web patterned pillow was accidentally whipped at his face. Angel just stood there, his eyes wide enough to pop out his skull.

Everyone stopped and stood still as the radio demon stood completely still after taking the hit. "Now that wasn't called for" he finally said. Realizing nobody would die tonight, they all continued their fight, laughter arising once more.

Alastor found himself standing in a corner of the room, away from the chaos in front of him. His ears perked up when he felt a shorter presence approach his side. "So!" Lucifer said "This is quite a fun bunch eh?" He laughed, catching his breath. "Nice pajamas" he joked, poking at the same suit Alastor wore that day... and every other day.

Angel had made his way over to Husk, who protested the approaching attack. Showing no mercy, the spider started attacking the cat. THWUMP on his left leg, TWHUMP on his right shoulder, and for one last hit combo he whacked the pillow on the side of Husks head. Everyone laughed as Angel took him down to the floor, a clear winner of that battle.

Lucifer looked to Alastor, noticing his slight fidgeting with his hands as he held his staff. "You totally want to join them" he said. Alastor raised an eyebrow "Your joking. You'd think I'd partake in such useless aggressive activity? Please." He replied. Lucifer felt like being the annoying shit tonight, nudging the other demons arm with his and smiling "Looser has to... sleep on the roof!" He said as he grabbed a pillow from the floor, gearing up for a fight. Alastor grinned "Oh, is that right?". Lucifer bounced from foot to foot "Oh yeah, let's go Red. Hope you have a sleeping bag".


"Well uh, good night Dad" Charlie called out from the balcony. "Good night sweetie" Lucifer replied from the hotels rooftop. "Fucking radio demon" he mumbled under his breath as he set up his sleeping bag. Radio wins, just this time.

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