5 • Whats he hiding?

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"Uh hey Husk?" Lucifer asked as he wandered up to the bar. "Gotta ask you here, and don't take this the wrong way— why would you make a deal with him? What could you have done to make him take your soul? What does he want?"

Husk blinked "Where's this coming from? C'mon yer highness we both know this will only end badly if you go asking questions. Believe me" he replied as he finished wiping off the counter top.

"You know something we all don't. But I must know. What's this guy hiding?" Lucifer asked, leaning forwards to speak quietly. Husk shook his head " I didn't do anything... I sold my soul to him. I can't say what his deal is or he'd fuckin destroy me. I've got too much here for me to leave behind now" He glanced over the kings shoulder to see Angel walking in the door. A faint sigh of relief escaped his mouth knowing his friend was finally home safe. He held up a film he had rented from a shop downtown and made a gesture for Husk to join him. Hush mouthed the words" hold on" followed by a fond smirk.

Lucifer's eyes flicked back and forth as he thought. "He's got Charlie bound in a deal. And I have the chance to get her out of it. I just need to know, please". Husks ears fell. If anyone deserved to be free from the radio demon, it was Charlie. I fear you won't take what I'm about to say lightly. But for fucks sake— you never heard it from me." He demanded. Lucifer nodded "Yes yes absolutely".

They both spoke quietly for what seemed like forever, Husk dumping all this information on the king that he struggled to comprehend. The mentioning of someone way too familiar caught Lucifer's attention right away. "I'm sorry, who's got him on a leash?" He asked, unsure if he just heard the bartender correctly. He heard correctly alright.

"Ah good evening gentlemen" A sudden voice came from behind the king. He whipped himself around. The sight of the radio demon was enough to send him shooting out the door with one gigantic flap of his wings. His horns and teeth bared as he climbed higher and higher to the sky. The two demons stood in silence as they watched the kings sudden outburst.

Charlie ran down the stairs after her father "Dad! Dad wait! Come back!" She called out. Alastor turned to the cat "My goodness Husker, you really do push away everyone who tries to get close to you" he nagged. "Better than stealing their souls" Husk shot back. Charlie turned to them "Guys why is he flying away?! What did you say?!" She asked desperately. Alastor glared at Husk "Yes. Good question Charlie... what was said to make the king leave so abruptly?"

Oh shit.


The king flew for hours in no general direction, just wherever his tired wings would take him. His phone rang once again, becoming the 33rd missed call from Charlie. He couldn't talk to her right now, he would slip up and regret telling her what he now knew. The tears filling in his eyes made it impossible for him to see where he was or where he was going. His breathing was heavy and his mind went wild, totally not paying attention to the wall approaching at an alarming rate.

He gasped but was abruptly yanked out of the way before he hit. "The fuck?!" He exclaimed. Alastor struggled to keep his grasp on the king, the tentacles wrapped around him tightly. "You're lucky I don't kill you RIGHT HERE" Lucifer fumed. Alastor smiled "And how would you explain that to your daughter?" He replied. Lucifer used his power to break free "YOU SHADY FUCK. WHY ARE YOU REALLY HERE?". Alastor tensed for a moment, he really wasn't in the best shape to fight. "I'll ask once more" Lucifer threatened "What ties you to Lilith and why are you here?"

Alastor looked down, the town was just a blur and souls looked like small ants at this height. "A chat is long overdue" he finally spoke.


The two sat atop the Hotel, out of sight. Alastor was rather pissed that he'd been exposed this much. But, he owed Lucifer an explanation.

Being given the power to dominate and destroy any sinner and soul in hell, and the ability to topple overlords and torture their souls gave Alastor power that was unreachable. This made sense now, hence no other overlord had these abilities to a far extant. Above all this, he had some heart to give mercy to those with redeeming qualities. The people he had killed in his life as a human were bad people, hence why he tortures the unredeemable without a second glance. Their chance of redemption is far behind them, and the free will they are given when they arrive to hell— Alastor didn't tolerate it.

Lucifer barely moved or made a sound as Alastor explained himself. He was hurt, upset, confused, and above all pissed. He let the radio demon talk.

The foundation of heaven is falling apart, especially after the last extermination and Lilith being stranded in heaven. She had no interest in redemption, believing that nobody is truly good hence being practically thrown away before winners began arriving in heaven. She wanted to topple heaven as revenge. Having her power during her time in hell— she thrived. Her songs were empowering to demons.

"She never saw their flaws. She encouraged their behavior to get back at heaven. Of course I tried to reason with her but look where that got us" Lucifer said.
Alastor looked down "The death of the angel from the last extermination was enough to get the cart rolling again" he said. Lucifer sat up straighter "What are you saying?"

"Another rebellion" The demon replied "she has another song to sing... but the souls won't hear her down here. Not without a radio".

A/N: Hi hi hi! So I'm sure this is crazyyyy and sounds all over the place but I promise there will be an explanation!
Stay tuned :3

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