10 • Something new

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A/N: Get a snack and enjoy, this is a longer one!

Charlie's activities for today had Alastors brain spiraling. It was a race which involved partners popping as many balloons they can by putting it in between them and hugging hard enough. The team with the most balloons popped wins.

Charlie paired up with Vaggie, Nifty paired up with Husk, Cherri paired up with Angel, and that left Lucifer and Alastor...

"I'm ready for murder muahahahaa!!" Nifty screeched with excitement, Husk backed away a bit. Angel and Cherri started throwing friendly insults at each other "Your goin' DOWN bitch!" Cherri shouted.

Alastor and Lucifer stood awkwardly exchanging glances here and there. "It's just a game, go with it" Lucifer shrugged with a grin.

"Allllllright everyone, ready?!" Charlie yelled out. She pressed play on a stereo nearby to play some fun party music. "GO!"

Everyone at one end grabbed a balloon and held it to their chest as their partner on the other end ran as fast as they could to hug the other. The sounds of balloons popping echoed in the main lobby.

"Come on grab a balloon you little shit! We're gonna loose!" Lucifer shouted from the other side of the room. Everyone was on their third balloon before Alastor finally grabbed one. Lucifer hopped on his feet like a bunny gearing up before sprinting across the lobby to practically slam himself into the radio demon. Alastor grunted from the tight squeeze. POP! "Haha! Grab another one! Let's
go let's go!" Lucifer cheered, way too invested in this silly game.

Angel and Cherri were in the lead by two, they were basically rolling on the floor at this point as Cherri slipped a balloon between them and Angel squeezed as hard as he could. Husk looked over and let out a laugh "Haha! Looks like you two are fornicating!". Angel— despite his current situation made the effort to blurt out "Not without you, Baby!"

"I'd like to leave" Alastor said, as he grabbed another balloon. Lucifer stopped bouncing like a bunny "What- why we are gonna catch up!" He replied, struggling to catch his breath. He remembered how uncomfortable his actions were earlier and thought of an alternative. "Here, you hug me! Quick gimme the balloon!" He said frantically waving his arms.

Alastor blinked at this gesture. It's been a while since he was the one to hug someone. He handed the balloon to the king. Lucifer gave a reassuring nod "Yeah that's it! Hurry the songs almost over!"
Alastor held his breath, opening his arms and giving Lucifer a squeeze.

Everyone stopped, even the music. Their jaws were almost on the floor. Angel and Cherri stopped their wrestling in the ground to watch. Alastor noticed all the eyes on them and let go of his grip.

Charlie walked over "Dad, Al, Ahhhhh look at you both! I'm so happy you're able to finally get along!" She squealed.
Lucifer regained his footing and adjusted his suit "Your exercises really bring everyone together kiddo" he smiled. Alastor remained silent.

Charlie clapped her hands together "And with that I'd say this was another successful day of bonding! I'm so proud of you all" tears flooded her eyes and Vaggie carried her off before she could make a scene.

Everyone dispersed and carried on with their own lives. Lucifer's eyes followed the Radio demon as he walked out the front door. It was almost as if a string was attached to him, pulling him in the same direction.

As they both made their way out on the front lawn, Lucifer found himself following loosely behind the radio demon. Alastor knew he was being followed, but remained silent.

From a clear view out a hotel window, Vaggie who was leading the sobbing princess up to their room, happened to see the two out on the front. She squinted her eyes in wonder. Something was up with those two...


They walked for a while, ending up on the same path the group walked on weeks back for their outdoor exploration.

Alastor stopped abruptly, turning around to face the king. "I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here but whatever all this is needs to end. All this foolish behavior, all this unwanted contact. I never agreed to you changing me, I only agreed to let go of my deal with Charlie if you helped me get out of mine. Nothing else". 

Lucifer blinked and adjusted his footing. Fuck, he didn't expect that to come out of him. Alastor met his eyes "Why are you doing this?" He asked. Lucifer could see the pain in his eyes and hear the hurt in his voice, this demon was troubled and he really wanted to help.

"Because I see someone worth saving" Lucifer replied. "You've done shady shit, killed a bunch of people, taken souls from sinners... but I see there's a reason why" he took a step closer to the demon, who was now looking down to avoid eye contact.

"And what is the reason your majesty? I'd love to hear your theory" Alastor replied, his usual bitchy behavior making its return. Lucifer swallowed "You don't have control, sure you controlled your fate. But now that you're on Lilith's leash, you need to gain control over everything and everyone else. Did I hit the mark?"

Alastors expression fell slightly taking in those words. What he had said to him did make sense, it was harsh, but it also meant that he cared. Why did he want to be closer to the king right now? He felt his body move him forwards.

"You're not wrong" Alastor finally spoke "Redemption wasn't ever on my agenda. I never wanted to run this hotel for it to end up actually working.  Some sinners are... good, I guess. I'll admit redemption looks like a possibility for those sinners who have changed".

Lucifer smiled proudly "And I guess I promoted this behavior? Very unlike you to listen to me, Red" he teased, noticing the other demon getting closer.

Alastor stopped, raising an eyebrow "You think I willingly listen to you?! Oh, in that case you have another thing coming" he smirked.

A chuckle escaped the kings mouth "I'm the king of hell, I can command anyone around if I feel like it".

"That's what you think" Alastor teased.

The distance that was between them was a lot shorter than a few seconds ago. This back and forth banter was almost comfortable for them, they were on each others level. Lucifer kicked a stone "Al, when we set you free then what?"

The king gave this a lot of thought. When this is over will he- they ever see or hear from Alastor again? Will he stay here and continue to evolve himself? Will he return to his ways of mystery and carnage?

Alastor looked off to the side "Let me tell you something. I was sent down here, not only to broadcast her song, but to watch over your daughter for her. I can see that my watchful eye is no longer needed" and with that he gestured to Lucifer. "But there's finally a reason for me to stay. I must admit I've become quite comfortable with the atmosphere of the hotel" Alastor continued.

Lucifer's face softened. Seeing the other demon let his walls down around him made his cheeks flush and his heart beat in a way he'd only ever truly felt once before. Was this happiness? Excitement? He didn't have the answer, but he definitely noticed these feelings. "You've come quite a long way Red. Pshhh, yeah you're still a fucking asshole and that will never change. I hate to say it but I'm proud...? Yeah... yeah I'm proud"

He took a step closer to the demon "And Charlie is lucky to have you help her with the hotel. You two have a bond that I'll never understand, but I won't stop you from helping guide her. She needs someone like you in all of this. Fuck, this is a lot" Lucifer awkwardly giggled "Your not too bad, Red. Not bad at all".

The two exchanged smiles and walked side by side on the pathway they all walked before. Alastors heart beat just for a moment. He's never received praise and appreciation from someone like this ever since he arrived in hell. He felt something new. And maybe "new" wasn't a bad thing either.

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