9 • Touch

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Alastor sat in his radio tower, tapping the desktop with his fingers. Recently he had been mentally kicking himself for letting Lucifer know about his deal. He can handle himself, he had it all figured out, he doesn't need anyone's help. He's the Radio demon for hells sake!

For centuries he had it all, the power, the control, but now it's different. It's all been different recently now that the Hotel is getting on its feet and successfully housing more sinners as the days go by. What would he have left if the Hotel actually worked?

Surely when everyone else achieved redemption he would at least have Husker left to trail behind him. With that thought, Husk was a good guy— he had found happiness confiding in the others and most specifically Angel. He'd done good for himself and wasn't the same man Alastor knew before. Husk deserved more...

To hell with that! He was a sinner who sold his soul, he can't just be set free... right? Alastor never thought this way before. His eyes flicked over to the small rubber duck with antlers placed on the windowsill. Damn, this place was really starting to chip away at him. These thoughts running around were tiring.

The sound of the door squeaking open snapped Alastor out of his thoughts. His neck snapped backwards just enough to view a familiar white and red hat entering the room.

"What is it with you and the lack of concept when it comes to KNOCKING" the demon growled through his teeth. The king laughed "I'm the king of hell and I can do what I want".

"Did you sleep well?" Alastor said tauntingly, turning back around. "Hah hah funny" Lucifer replied.

The feeling of two arms gently wrapping around his shoulders from behind startled him. He felt the king rest his forehead on the back of his head. "You know you can change. Just let us in" the voice behind said softly. Alastor closed his eyes, his smile fading into a genuine soft grin.

"Just let me in" the kings voice was different this time. His grip getting tighter. Alastor opened his eyes, looking down at the hands around him that were no longer the kings. He tried to jump up from his chair but chains held his arms still. The hands around him, now the ones belonging to Lilith turned his face towards her. "You're going to regret disobeying me" she said coldly. She waved a needle and thread in the air as Alastors mouth was forced into a stretched smile with green thread stitched into the sides. "I'm going to shut you up for good so you can get the job done" the threads pulled tighter as he tried to open his mouth.

Alastor shot out of his chair, frantically panting as he looked around his radio tower. He held his hands up to his face only to see the lack of chains. Feeling his face, there was no thread in his mouth. He huffed out a heavy relieved sigh, he was dreaming.

"Y'okay there Red?" Lucifer said from behind him peeking in the door. Alastor quickly turned around to put a face to the voice, thankfully it really was Lucifer. He had never been so happy to see the short king. He walked into the room "So this is where the creepy shit happens I see" Lucifer said observing the small area.

Alastor tried to keep his frantic breathing and heart rate to a minimum. He couldn't let anyone see he had nightmares. He's supposed to create them not HAVE them.

Lucifer watched the radio demon, how his hands were shaking, how his eyes darted back and forth as he stared at absolutely nothing out the window. Something had to be on his mind so bothersome for him to completely disregard Lucifer's unannounced entrance.

The king jabbed his arm "Hey you with me?" He said, genuinely concerned, "You look like you've seen some weird shit".

Alastor composed himself almost immediately in response to that comment. "Ah, nothing for you to worry your little brain about" he forced a smile.

Lucifer wasn't buying it. He got good at pointing out his fake smiles, but went on "So I'm here to talk about our deal. I can only help you if you provide some pretty juicy info that will help me determine what we should do" he crossed his arms "Lilith doesn't play around, so I know she's got you tied up to some pretty fucked up deal here".

As Lucifer rambled on, Alastors mind wandered into a blank space. Everything was all messed up. The king of hell knows he can be hurt and has seen him vulnerable, knows his biggest secret, oh AND has been a big enough influence for him to change for the better.

Lucifer paused and watched the demons face. He knew that look all too well, and this man was hurting bad.

Alastor tensed when he felt arms hesitantly wrap around him in a loose hug. If you'd even call it that. No words had to be spoken for Lucifer to know how uncomfortable this made the demon. All the king said was "You look like you need it, that's all".

Alastor unintentionally leaned into the touch, hating himself for doing so. They stayed like that for a while, just listening to the wind blow outside and the voices of sinners far below in town.

Touch was never Alastors... thing. He preferred to keep his walls up high enough for those trying to get too close— But this time felt a bit different. "I'm fine you know" Alastor managed to mumble out. Lucifer smiled softly, his eyes trailing over to the windowsill where the duck with antlers was perched.

"Charlie really admires you Red, so I will help you. You just have to break down these walls you have, regardless of how much you hate me" Lucifer replied.

Alastor turned his head just enough to see the kings hat over his shoulder. "I hate this" he said.
Lucifer frowned at the comment "Hm, then we will work on learning to accept kind gestures too"

Alastor sighed "You won't ever catch me a break will y-"


A/N: They hugged tehe :3 One step closer!

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