3 • A deal with the devil

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That evening, Lucifer wandered around his new room after he finished unboxing all his belongings. He took a step back to admire his new space and hummed with satisfaction.

The hotel was quiet. Everyone was off doing their own activities hence Charlie's "free day" she gave them. He made his way down to the main lobby, he could hear faint radio static and the voice of his daughter. Making his way to the grand staircase, he saw Charlie and Alastor chatting as she prepared tomorrow's activities. "Do I really have to go now?" Charlie asked. Alastor smiled "My dear, you made a deal. A favor anytime of my choosing. Or have you forgotten?"

Lucifer's blood ran cold. She couldn't have! She was smarter than this! The king of hell bolted down the stairs. "YOU MADE A DEAL WITH MY DAUGHTER?!" He fumed, his eyes a vibrant red and his teeth barred. The Radio demon didn't flinch. "Woah woah Dad it's okay!" Charlie said frantically, grabbing her father's arm.

Lucifer retracted, still snarling at the radio demon. "Tell me the deal" he demanded through grit teeth. "It's nothing complicated, just a few small harmless favors Charlie has agreed to do for me. That's all!" Alastor replied, placing his hands on Charlie's shoulders. Charlie knew Alastor would be, and most certainly could be obliterated if her father really wanted to put an end to him. Trying to de-escalate the situation, she pulled her father aside. "Dad, it's okay I promise. He needs me to deliver a message to a companion of his. Please don't worry".

The rest of the hotel guests had walked in the door. Angel and Cherri thought it would be fun to have everyone play a game of baseball, bomb edition. They all giggled and reminisced their time spent together that evening. With their arrival, Lucifer gathered his bearings not to make a scene.

"If you must go, come back here as soon as it's done. I'll be waiting" Lucifer sighed and hugged his daughter. A deal is a deal, and he knew that. He watched as Charlie left the hotel, waiting until the door slowly closed behind her with a click. "Now come here you little shit-" Lucifer yanked on Alastors coat, dragging him into a darker, more quieter area out of sight. Alastor just let it happen, brushing himself off once the king let go. "You dare mess with my daughter, you mess with me buddy. I know the shady shit you do and if you dare try anything I am going to fuck you- FUCK YOU UP" He snarled, catching his words. Damnit, almost had it that time. "Oi, there's like a thousand different rooms you can do that in bitches. We're tryna chill out over here!" Cherri yelled out.

"It's not so simple as you think your highness" Alastor smiled. "You see, a deal is everlastingly binding until I decide otherwise. Like a dog on a leash". Lucifer let out an annoyed huff, pausing to think. "Is that so? Then let's make a deal. You retract your deal with my daughter, and I won't kill you. If you don't, I will reveal to everyone here how vulnerable you really are" he gestured to the other demons chest. "Wouldn't want everyone else to see the great powerful radio demon just as vulnerable as they are, don't you? Not to mention the ties you have with your own deal".

Alastor tilted his head at that last comment, his eyes turning into dark pools threatening the king in front of him "Information you don't have the right to know." He paused, Lucifer knew? How?

"I heard you that day. With the bartender". Lucifer said. Alastors mind flashed back to a few months back in the dark hallway. The others carrying on with their tour of the hotel as Alastor reminded Husk of his place. "I will not let my Charlie end up as one of your pets" he snarled.

"How's this then? I'll let Charlie free from her deal, but you free me in return. Not a word will be spoken" He said holding his open hand out to Lucifer. The king stepped back for a moment, aware that his next move would be costly. He was a tough soul, and had been through worse than hell itself "And if I don't?" He asked. Alastors smile beamed a bright yellow "Then your soul is mine". Ahh there it was, he expected that.

"Charlie likes you. Somehow that girl sees something in you that none of us can. What would she think— seeing this demon she trusts and looks up to treat her loved ones like slaves". Lucifer said, looking at the demon standing before him up and down. He watched as Alastors expression went blank. Got ya bitch.

"Im no monster, and I want to see Charlie's dreams become a reality... Im not shaking your hand, but I will get you out of your deal if it means you'll leave Charlie be. Take it or leave it" Lucifer said, puffing out his chest to appear more intimidating.

"Fine" the radio demon replied. Lucifer gave Alastor a nod then returned to go catch up with the others. "But no promises" a static-y voice faded into the darkness.

Oh this was shaping up to be quite interesting.

An: Hey hi hello! Im not the best writer so this is probably super lame but if your enjoying it so far then there's plenty more on the way!
Take care lovelies! See you next chapter :3

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