It felt foreign to have her face covered, but she flicked her eyes up to meet Ghost's as a smirk formed on her lips. "What?" she asked as if innocent.

He walked toward her, frame imposing—especially with all his gear and mask. It wasn't her first time seeing him with the skull, but it was the first time she decided that it was in fact intimidating. Even though it only thrilled her that he was baited.

"When'd you get in the habit of stealin' people's shit?"

"I haven't stolen anything," she said simply, "I'm just borrowing."

He held her gaze as his fingers took hold of the fabric at the base of her neck. But he didn't pull it off; he just tugging it—and as a result, her—toward him slightly.

Maybe he was thinking of pulling it off. Maybe he wanted to strangle her. But he did neither; his eyes just traced over her face. Despite being nearly entirely covered, she felt exposed, sending her nerves buzzing as he looked over his skull balaclava on her. The thought of sparking a fight with him was exciting, but this tension... was better.

"You're trying to test me," he murmured.

"Always," she agreed, chin raising a little in defiance.

"Careful. If you push too far you might not like the consequences."

"I think I can handle them."

His eyes flicked between hers. "You really are a brat, aren't you?"

She tried to hold back the surprised spark that went through her at his words, but it was obvious that he caught how her eyes widened slightly. His words so clearly had a double meaning, one that was far too intimate for her co-worker to be calling her out for, but fuck, it only made that tension between them thicker. And she was a sucker for it.

"What does that make you?"

He let out a breath that sounded more like a growl. "The sorry sod who has to deal with ya."

She smirked a little more, taking a step back so the fabric was pulled from his fingers. "I'm sure Price could deal with me instead."

Without pause, his hand dropped to wrap around her belt and pull her toward him—although it didn't seem like he'd meant to. His brows furrowed a little, as if it was instinct and not a conscious action. But then his fingers tightened around the material.

"Stop dicking around, Daisy. We've got a mission to focus on."

"I am focused," she said innocently before tiling her head a little. "Price is about to walk in the door."

Just as she finished speaking, the door opened.

Ghost released her belt but kept his eyes on her, sending a warning look before turning to his bag.

"We're clear to move out, you both ready to go?" Price asked as he stepped into the living room.

"Yes, sir," Ghost nodded.

"Mhmm," Drew agreed, grabbing her bag and helmet.

"Oh, hell," Price laughed, "I'm surprised I came back to you in one piece," he jeered as he looked over at her.

"Wanted to show some team morale, you know? The Lieutenants workin' together."

"You and your fucking morale," Ghost muttered.

"You don't hate it," she teased, although it had to be true since she was still wearing his balaclava. Why, she didn't know. But she wasn't going to miss an opportunity to get further under his skin.

Daisy | Simon RileyWhere stories live. Discover now