' After math + Hermiones plan '

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"Oh, y/n!" Smiled Hermione as you sat next to her. She then noticed something was wrong. "What happend?" She asked titling her head slightly to the side curiously. "Oh, nothing." I said. My palms were now sweating a bit. "Uh, where's Harry?" You said, looking around the room. You saw Fred and George giving out some sort of candies to a first year. "I dunno." Hermione said. "Whats the twins doing?" I asked, still starring at them. "Oh, they made up some sort of treat that if you eat it you get sick."

"Wait what- who in their right mind would eat that!" Complained Hermione. I nodded my head, agreeing. "Well, they want to sell it, it's purpose is to get you sick so you can skip classes, and the other half of it heals you. It's really cool actually." Ron explained. "I might buy one then." I said. "Rather be sick then going to defense against the dark arts." Ron laughed and Hermione frowned a bit. Then in the perfect moment Harry walked in the common room. "Harry!" I said standing up. "Uh, yea?" He said, eyes widening. "Sit." I ordered him, and we sat next to our friends. I rolled up my sleeve that had previously covered my hand by its baggy-ness. "Y/n." Harry said seriously. We made eye contact for a second before I broke the Slience. "This is what Umbridge thinks what a good punishment is." I say slowly. "Y/n, we have to tell Dumbledore about this!"

"We can't!" Me and Harry Protest at the same time. "Fine, fine!" Hermione says. "Its fine anyways, it'll heal soon..well hopefully." I say. Ron laughs a little as I smile.

"I hate Umbridge." Ron sighs. "I know, she doesn't even teach us anything about defense against the dark arts!" Hermione rolls her eyes. "Its almost as worse as Divination!"

"You must really hate D.a.d.a!" Ron says. We all laugh. Hermione then gasps all the sudden. "What, did you forget to do your homework or something? Says Ron. "No, Ronald I didn't. But I have am idea."

"What is it?" I ask. "Well, since Umbridge won't teach us anything about the dark arts, I think Harry should teach us all about how to defend ourselves from Lord Voldemort." Ron gasps at the mention of Voldemort. "W-wait why me!" Harry says as his eyebrows raise.

"Because! You fought you know who yourself, twice!" Hermione smiles.

"Hermione, that was pure luck! I barley even knew what I was doing half the time!" Harry says. "But still, you know how to cast patronus's!"

"She's got a point." I say.

"We gotta find people to teach." Harry says. "What about Choooo Chang?" Jokes Ron. "Oh, shut up!" Harry says as he turns red. Harry liked Cho Chang, she was a year older and in Ravenclaw. "And Ginny." I say. Hermione Nods. We make a small list of people we trust and would be interested. We were going to ask them tomorrow.

D.a.d.a lessons; People to Invite

-Ginny Weasley

-Fred And George Weasley

-Neville Longbottom

-Cho Chang

-Semmus Finniga

-Katie Bell

-Angelica Johnson

-Lavender Brown

*Ask everyone to tell their friends who think they're interested.*

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