' Buckbeak '

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After your daily Detention you both left snapes class and you went your separate ways. You went towards your dorm with Hermione. Once you spotted her you noticed her face. It seemed worried. "Hermione?" You asked. "What happend?"
"Buckbeak..Draco's father heard what happend to him, and now they're going to Execute Buckbeak!" Hermione said, she then burst into tears. You rubbed her back. "We have to go to Hargid!" She said. You nodded and you two walked to the boys dorm and you knocked. "Yea?" Harry answered. "Come out." You said
"Alright." Harry said then shut the door. You could hear Harry's mumbled voice telling Ron to come outside. After a minute the boys were out of their dorms. Hermione explained what happened everyone looked extremely upset.
"Let's go to Hargids hut.." Hermione said.

*At his hut*

You saw Malfoy steal some binoculars from Goyle. They were standing behind a rock. Trying not to be seen. Draco noticed you four and chuckled. "Ah, come to see the show?" He said, letting out another chuckle.
"You filthy little cockroach!" Hermione shouted as she dashed over to Malfoy. She took out her wand and pointed it at his chin. Backing him up to the huge rock. "Hermione no!" Ron shouted, Hermione glanced at him. "Hes not worth your time!" Ron said trying to convince her not to hurt malfoy. Malfoy whimpered. (I'm on my knees for him omg) you just stared at Malfoy. This was typical Draco behavior but you were still extremely disappointed and upset.
Draco mumbled something. You swore it sounded just like your name.

"Hermione." Ron said softly. Hermione sighed and placed her wand back into her pocket. Malfoy lowered his neck and laughed. Suddenly Hermione punched Draco in the nose. He fell down in pain as Crabbe and Goyle caught him. "He deserves that." You said placing your hand on her back, as you looked over your shoulder at Malfoy holding his nose and staring right at you.

"That was bloody wicked Hermione!" Ron said smiling at her. Ron probably had a massive crush on her you thought.

You had remembered something. It made your smile fade. "I still have 6 days in detention with stupid Malfoy." You blurted out. "I feel so bad for you Y/n." Harry said. "I can't imagine being with Malfoy after classes cleaning shelves for an hour." You nodded.

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