' Classes '

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The Gryffindor fourth years were looking forward to Mad eye moody first class.

As you sat down you heard Draco say "I bet this teacher is  going to just as worst as the last one." Crabbe laughed. And Pansy laughed aswell, it sounded a bit over dramatic.

You got out your books for the class.
"You can put those books away, we don't need them." Moody said as he walked in.
"Does anyone know any curses that are unforgivable and illegal?"
Ron awkwardly raised his hand.
"Erm, my dad told me about one. It's called the Imperius curse?"
"Yes, good job." Moody said as he opened a drawer and took out a glass jar. A couple spiders were inside.
Ron looked terrified. He hated spiders.
"Imperio!" Moody said as he pointed his wand at one spider.
Everyone laughed. Execpt Hermione.
"Think it's funny, eh?" He said as he grinned. He moved the spider with his Wand to crawl on students. Draco was laughing. Then before anyone could blink, Draco was screaming "GET IT OFF, DO SOMETHING!" The spider was on his face. "Who's laughing now!?" Ron joked.
"Now. What's another one?"
Neville raised his hand.
"Cruciatus curse?" He said shy.

I'm to lazy to finish this chapter.

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