' Yule ball '

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Long chapter! *1028 words!*

It was the evening before the ball, Christmas. You enjoyed your gifts. But you couldn't help but think how different and special Christmas could have been with Malfoy.

"HERMIONE, GINNY LETS GO GET READY IN OUR DORM." Y/n shouted at her friends.

Ginny followed you and Hermione to your dorm. "Wow, it looks exactly like my dorm execpt wayy cleaner!" Ginny joked.

You chose out a beautiful navy blue dress, it had these sleeves that made you look so good

"Ah, your dress is so pretty!" Hermione squeaked. Hermione showed her dress, it was kinda similar to yours. It was a deep pink colour and it had layers. "This is going to look great on you mione!" You smiled.
Ginny showed her dress, a light pastel green and pink dress with a deeper pink belt. "I dunno about it..its going to make me look like a watermelon." Ginny frowned. "Don't worry, it's going to look amazing on you Gin!" Hermione hugged you both. "Let's hustle and get ready now!" You ran to your dorms bathroom and you enjoyed doing your friends makeup.

"Okay, spill, who's everyone going with!" Hermione said.
"Im going with Neville!"
"Im going with...Victor Krum!"
"Seriously!? Isn't he like 18-" Ginny started but then Hermione bumped her with her elbow.
"Okay, what about you Y/n!" Hermione laughed.
"Cedric." You mumbled.
"Cedric? But even what he and Pansy did?" Asked Ginny.

"Well, yeah. He said he's sorry and he really didn't mean to, he was just jealous of me and Malfoy and he just agreed because of Pansy. He's a hufflepuff I trust him." You explained.

"That sounds reasonable."

"So, should we start to walk down to the ball now?" Asked Hermione.
"Yeah okay!" Agreed Ginny.

"Granger, L/n!" Called McGonagall.

"Erm, yeah?" You said.

"Find your partners fast, the champions and their partners are suppose to be the first ones to dance!" McGonagall said.

"Oh shoot, c'mon Hermione!" You grabbed her hand started speed walking around the hallways. You then looked to the side for a second then you bumped into a hard chest.
"Watch it-" Malfoy said. Then he looked down at you. "L/n, oh your here with..Granger, Are you two that lonely that you needed to be each other's partners?" He laughed.
"No, infact our partners are actually Triwizard champions." You spat back.

"So your going with lame Potter?"

"No, I'm going with Cedric Diggory."

"Your joking. Even after he di-" Malfoy cleared his throat.
"Oh why do I even care." He said and walked away, fixing his tie. He'll never admit it but he thought Y/n looked absolutely stunning in that navy dress of hers.

"Y/n! There you are, we gotta go!" Cedric said. "Oh, and Hermione, Krum is other there." He pointed towards Krum. "Thanks, and see you later Y/n." Cedric grabbed your hand and started to walk near the door. The great hall was transformed into a beautiful ball room.

*Your pov and not third person pov*

Me and Cedric walked infront. People clapped. But Malfoy looked pissed. Astoria was clinging onto him like a lost puppy. I scoff but then I go back to smiling when Cedric faces me.

Then we dance. He grabs onto my waist. Butterflies fill my stomach. I look at my shoe, they're black fancy slip ons. Cedrics wearing dress shoes. I take his shoulder. We gracefully dance. I can feel Malfoys eyes burn into my h/c head.

"Your So beautiful Y/n." Cedric smiles.
"Thank you Diggory." I grin. I spot Hermione and Krum, they look like they're having the time of there lives, I look around to see Ron and Harry, unlike Hermione, they look absolutely dreadful. They're sitting down with their partners, Parvati and Padma Patil. Both of their arms are crossed, they glance at eachother and roll their eyes.

I look towards Ginny, her and Neville are dancing away like there's no tomorrow. I left out a soft giggle. Cedric Blushes. I end up blushing aswell.

As the night is ending I wave goodbye to Cedric, I then find Hermione and Ginny. They're both giggling their heads off. "Me and Krum had the best time!" Hermione laughs. I then realized how tired I actually am. I rub my eyes and let out a yawn. "Im going to bed, night guys!" I say and walk away. "See you tomorrow Y/n!" They both say.

I walk past windows, it's a little past midnight, I'm left completely alone with my thoughts. Someone then roughly places a cold hand around my mouth and pull me into a closet again. I expect to see Crabbe and Goyle, but no. It's Draco Malfoy.

"What the fuck do you want, I thought we'd agreed to leave each other alone." 

"Me to.." He growled.

"So then Why'd you bring me into a closet?" I ask.

"Because." He Mumbles.

"I just can't resist you Y/n.." He says as his sliver eyes stare into my e/c eyes. I then pull him in for a passionate kiss.
It seemed like minutes before our lips pull apart. I get a chance to breath.

I then wipe my lips. "Why'd you do that?" He softly asks. "Because..I'm with Cedric..and I don't want a another rumor about me cheating on someone with you- it's just wrong. And my friends hate you...I'm sorry" I sigh.

"Y/n wait-" He Yells. But I just walk away.

Dracos pov:

I couldn't help it, years start pouring out of my eyes. "She's with Cedric now " I coutine to say to myself. "Get over it."

After a fair minute or two, I wipe my eyes and walk back to my common room.

I'm not sure what's she's doing to me.

*Your pov*

I'm walking back to my door, right after kissing Malfoy. The guilt in my stomach is killing me. But I did the right thing by walking away. I almost feel bad for Malfoy.

Once I get to my cozy dorm I plop down on my bed, to tired to change Into my pajamas or washing my makeup off.

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