Before the Spider Part 2

Start from the beginning

Franklin took something small from his pocket and headed over to you, handing you what looked like a small envelope. Feitan's eyes narrowed as you took it with a slightly trembling hand and looked up at Franklin, a questioning look on your face.

'You can do it right?' Franklin asked, his big hand pointing to the envelope. 'Make them grow fast?'

You nodded and Feitan craned his neck and took a few steps closer to see what you were talking about. The little piece of paper had a printed picture of blue and white flowers on it and as Franklin turned back to the mound of wet dirt Feitan understood. More flowers. He sighed, but couldn't help a small smile as you spread the seeds over the damp ground and knelt down next to it. Activating gyo he watched, fascinated as always, as your fingers touched the dirt, your aura spreading to the seeds close to your hands. Green sprouts soon appeared, then leaves, buds, and finally a wealth of small flowers. It didn't take long until the low mound was covered in a blanket made out of a myriad of tiny white and blue petals. He had to admit that it was very pretty. Not necessary, but pretty.

Would Kortopi have appreciated being covered in flowers? Feitan wasn't sure. They hadn't been friends, only meeting for major Troupe business when Kortopi had been accompanying Chrollo as usual. Paku on the other hand would have liked all the flowers. Some of the others had left some roses on her small mound, he remembered. He hadn't seen the point of it then either.

You stood back up and looked back at Machi, then turned to him instead, eyes red and puffy from now dry tears. With a few quick steps, you reached him and nestled under his arm, leaning against him, an arm around his waist, the pressure of your body pleasant as he pulled you even closer. Soft. You were still so very soft, and while he admitted part of him liked it, found it so fascinating, the steel in you was growing stronger too. It was beautiful. You were beautiful in so many ways, so perfect for him just as he was perfect for you. Fate. It most certainly was fate that had brought you to him.

'Pretty,' he murmured and you looked a bit surprised, perhaps not sure if he was talking about you or the flowers. 'Very pretty,' he clarified, tightening his grip around you and you smiled.

You placed your hand on his chest and mouthed a quiet 'love you', and he placed his hand on top of yours, squeezing it gently in reply. His fingers traced yours, reminding him that you were still waiting for the ring he had promised you. He had yet to find the perfect one, but he was certain he'd know it as soon as he saw it, and then he'd steal it for you. His heart swelled in his chest as he gave your fingers another reassuring little squeeze, letting you know that he'd not forgotten and that he'd find it soon. Very soon.

Someone had brought a huge basket with food and drinks, and Shizuku carried it around, handing out sodas, beers, and sandwiches to everybody turning it into a makeshift picnic, with everybody sitting close together on the cool grass.

'To Kortopi,' Phinks said, raising a bottle into the air, and everybody followed suit. 'To Kortopi.'

'To killing Hisoka,' Shalnark said, raising his bottle again, and everybody nodded gravely.

'I drink to that,' Feitan said, tapping his bottle against Phinks' who grinned viciously back at him. 'Kill Hisoka!'

'And here's to killing the Chain-user,' Nobu added, his voice determined. So, he was still raging about Uvo's death? Not that Feitan disapproved. No attack against the spider could remain unpunished, and now that there was no danger of the Chain-bastard's post-mortem nen hurting Chrollo, it was time. They all had some busy, and above all interesting times ahead of them.

There were a few more toasts while they ate, but from the sound of it, everybody was just chatting about small unimportant things, though he heard the names of dead members being mentioned from time to time. They were so sentimental. Feitan sighed and finished his sandwich, noting that Chrollo was getting up on his feet.

'So, since we're all here anyway,' Chrollo said looking around, 'I might as well let you know about our next job.'

Everybody stopped eating and looked expectantly at him, the sudden anticipation tangible in the air. A new job? That would be interesting.

'It's the Kakin royal family. The king and the princes are arranging an expedition to the Dark Continent. There's immensely valuable treasure involved, treasure they'll be keeping aboard the ship.' He spread his arms wide and smiled, 'We'll be taking it.'

'The whole Troupe traveling together?' Franklin said. 'Sounds great. It's been a while since we did that. How do we get on board this ship?'

'They've filled all the necessary positions, and right now they're accepting passengers from the regular population. We can simply purchase tickets.' Chrollo turned to Shalnark, 'That'll be your job. Also, the Hunter Association is involved somehow, so find out as much as you can about their intentions.'

'Right,' Shalnark agreed.

'I don't expect them to cause any problems for us, and if they do we'll just kill them. Still, it's good to get as much information as we can beforehand.'

'What about Hisoka? Shouldn't he be our main priority?' Machi asked, and Feitan agreed.

Chrollo's answering smile was chilling. 'The ship sails on August 8th, we'll be boarding the day before. That leaves you more than a month to find and kill him.' There were general huffs and cheers, then Chrollo's eyes turned to Feitan and you. 'I trust you'll be finished with your business by then as well.'

'Heh, we will.' Feitan said, gripping your arm tighter as you nodded. 'Will be done very, very soon.'

'Great. That sums everything up for now. Those of you who choose to remain here are welcome to continue using my rooms at the Arena.' He turned to leave. 'Franklin. Bono. You're with me. I'll see the rest of you on August 7th.'

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Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now