Chapter 4 - The Leap Through Pink Frog

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The day of the planned stunt was one of foreboding. The sky was a dark, brooding canvas that seemed to mirror the tension gripping Alex and his team. The city itself was noticeably silent as if holding its breath in anticipation of the spectacle that was about to unfold.

In the early hours of the day, Alex donned a lightweight, reinforced driver's suit, his heart beating a rapid tattoo against his chest. He looked over at Elena and Beck, who were making the last checks on their communication devices to ensure that everything was synchronized and ready to go.

"We’re synced and ready," Beck confirmed, her voice clear and precise in Alex’s earpiece. "Remember, we have exactly three minutes of downtime in the surveillance grid. You need to hit the fog at 14:07. Not a second later."

Elena handed Alex his helmet, her hands steady but her eyes betraying her fear. "Drive like you stole it," she said, forcing a smile.

Alex climbed into the modified car, feeling the familiar thrill of adrenaline flood his system. The vehicle was a masterpiece, equipped with enhanced engines and exhaust systems that would make minimal noise yet provide maximum power. He started the engine, its purr more a whisper than a roar, and headed towards the designated point.

As he approached the launching area, the streets were deserted, and an eerie silence hung in the air. Alex saw the pink fog rolling in from the east, thick and vibrant, blanketing the city in its notorious hue. He adjusted his visor, the world tinted slightly by the filter designed to enhance his visibility through the pink.

"Ready on my mark," Dr. Nguyen's voice sounded in his ear, the scientist remotely monitoring the environmental conditions to optimize their plan.

Alex aligned the car with the ramp they had constructed in an abandoned lot, the structure hidden from casual eyes but now glaringly obvious to him as his launch pad through the pink fog.

"Now, Alex, now!" Beck’s voice cut through the tension.

He floored the accelerator, and the car lunged forward with ferocious speed. Alex felt the G-force press him into his seat as he hit the ramp at the perfect angle, the world blurring around him.

The car soared, cutting through the dense pink fog like a bullet. For a moment, Alex was flying, the oppressive laws of the regime beneath him, ineffective and distant. Cameras planted by Beck captured the car in mid-air, a stark silhouette against the vivid pink backdrop.

As he landed on the other side of the fog bank, a smooth stretch of road awaited him, and Alex let out a breath he hadn't realized he’d been holding. Cheers erupted in his earpiece, the voices of his team mingling with static.

"You did it, Alex! You bloody did it!" Elena’s voice was jubilant, near hysterical with relief and joy.

The car came to a stop in a pre-arranged hideaway, deep within an old warehouse district. As Alex killed the engine, the silence that followed was profound. They had done it—they had challenged the Pink General’s rule and showcased their defiance for all to see.

But as the initial rush of victory faded, Alex knew that this was only the beginning. The stunt would surely draw attention, not just from the oppressed citizens cheering in hidden corners but from the regime that would now see them as a tangible threat.

"We move to phase two," Alex said into his mic, already plotting their next steps. "Let’s show them what freedom looks like."

And with that, the rebellion had truly begun.

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