Chapter 40

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Bella's pov

After our shower we had cuddled back in to bed which led to a few more hours of activities before we both feel asleep from exhaustion. Mattheo had held me close the entire night, probably scared he would wake up without me again. When I eventually did wake up I therefore had to lay in bed thinking about how to break the news while waiting for him to wake up. The night replayed in my head like a broken record. It wasn't until I felt him shift beside me that I realized I was crying, I quickly wiped them away before he opened his eyes.

"Morning beautiful" his raspy voice making my body act up. "Good morning handsome" I gave him quick kiss before hoping out of bed and heading for the bathroom. I knew my eyes were red and wanted to avoid the topic until after breakfast, besides I really needed to pee.

We had missed breakfast by a few hours so Mattheo went down and bribed (probably more like threaten if I know him right) some of the elfs and managed to come back with a big tray of goodies. We devoured everything, having both worked up an appetite from last nights fun.

After eating my last bite I mustered up the courage and reached down in to my nightstand to picked up a potion. Mattheo stayed quiet observing as I drank it. Ones empty I put it back in my nightstand so the bottle could be reused and with a deep breath I began. "My parents were death eaters as I'm sure you know." He nodded his head as he putt the tray to the floor and leaned against the headboard of the bed. "About 2 years ago your father assigned them with a task. There were this thing he wanted to find, a dagger of some sort." I saw in his eyes that he recognized what I was talking about, although I don't know how much he actually knows about it.

"My father was head of the operation but my mother and Severus were equally as devoted to the task as him. They use to spend night after night in the dining room marking maps and translating ancient scrolls" tears started building in my eyes as I thought back to the memories of them. Mattheo reached for my hand, holding it in his and allowing me the time to gather myself before continuing. "Then summer came around. They had narrowed it down to a mountain in the north of England and as my parents were spending most of their time there searching for the dagger Severus was staying with me. They used to talk trough the fireplace. I remember the first time I saw me dads head poop up in there, scared the shit out of me" I little laugh escaping me. "I would sit at the top of the stairs listening in on their conversations, they had found a complex cave system that went on for miles. Severus tried his best to help from back home as he keep searching trough old books and scrolls. He took great care of me, always have, but I missed my parents. And then one day they just came home, my father was as happy as ever while my mother seemed tense and uncomfortable. When they thought I had gone to sleep that night they gathered in the dining room and I snuck down to hide behind a cabinet wanting to know what was going on. My father pulled something out of one of his bags, it was wrapped in a fabric when he placed it on the table motioning for Severus to unwrap it. Inside was the dagger..."


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Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now