Chapter 27

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Bellas pov

We laid in bed for a while just talking before Mattheo eventually had to pee. As he got up he seemed to be in a lot less pain then before, or he was just really good at hiding it. My eyes lingered on him as he walked towards the bathroom. He had bleed trough his bandage and it would need to be changed and cleaned soon. I got out of bed walking over to the little first aid kit that I had thrown on the ground earlier. The rubbing alcohol was out and I had managed to get blood on a lot of the remaning bandages during my earlier panic. Mattheo had told me that the wounds couldn't be healed by magic but sense my blood slowing spell worked some pain relief cream probably would to, I mean it couldn't hurt to try right? 

I went over to his closet just as he walked out of the bathroom. "Mind if a borrow a shirt?" I asked grabbing one of his black hoodies. "If it means you're leaving then yes I do mind" he replied walking back to the bed. "I'll only be gone for a little while, I just need to get some stuff" I put the hoodie on feeling his scent engulfing me. "What you gonna get?" he asked trying his best to get back in the bed whitout showing how the movements hurt. "Were gonna need to change those" I said pointing at his bandage "so I'm just gonna go and get some thing to clean it with and some new bandages" I replied holding up the new but bloody pieces that was left in the kit on the floor. "I'll be fine just come back here" he said reaching out an arm for me. I walked over giving him a kiss on the head before walking back to the door hearing him grunt behind me as I walked away, "I'll be back soon, get some rest" I said before walking out of the room. 

I walked though the common room relived that it was still empty even tough I had been at Mattheos for a few hours. I walked trough the quiet hallways when I suddenly came to a halt. There were quiet talking coming from around the corner and with silent steps I moved closer peering around the corner. It was professor Mcgonagall and Severus, they seemed to be in a heated discussion but I couldn't make out what they were saying. They parted ways and Severus was know coming right at me as I quickly snuck in to a storage room nearby. I heard him mumble to himself as he walked by "thinks she knows whats best for MY godchild, ridiculous". Had they been talking about me? 

I waited a moment making sure the hallways was completely quiet before walking out. The hospital wing was deserted as I walked in and I knocked on madam Pomfreys private quarters without a response. Not really feeling like just waiting around for her to reaper I walked around opening a few of the cabinets looking around for anything that would be useful. 

"Eh-hem" the noise of someone clearing their throat behind me had me stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turned around seeing a not so pleased madam Pomfrey looking back at me. "Care to explain what you doing rummaging through my stuff Miss Lenox" her voice was stern as she spoke, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Oh I was just looking for some bandages and wound cleaners. I tried to find you first of course but it is kind of urgent and I didn't have time to wait around, I'm sorry" I said trying to sound as innocent as possible. It seemed to be working as her face lost a bit of its tenseness and she let her arms fall to the side of her. "May I ask what you need bandages and cleaning supplies for?" she looked at me a bit worried probably assuming it had something to do with my condition and to avoid questions I decided that would be the easies raught to take. "Oh I don't really feel like talking about it" I said grabbing my stomach and looking away from her forcing a few tears to appear in my eyes. 

Madam Pomfrey immediately looked sympathetic as she grabbed a bag and began to fill it with all necessities for taking care of a wound, "Of course, I understand. You let me know if you need help with anything else". 

"Actually there is one more thing I need" she looked over at me with gentle eyes, almost making me feel bad for lying to her. "Do you have anything to get rid of pain?" I asked. 

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now