Chapter 18

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Bella's pov

After Mattheo cleaned me up I ones again went back to baking, Mattheo mostly sat and looked at me but I did manage to get him to decorate few cookies. I wrapped up all of the candy I had made putting it in to two separate baskets, one for us and one for Sevy.

I then cleaned up the kitchen and we made our way back to the common room. I could still feel some of his cum dripping down my thigh as I walked and realized I was in desperate need for a shower before going to see Sevy. I left Mattheo and the baskets in the common room and went up to my dorm to freshen up. I was still in chock of todays events as I got undressed and turned on the water. I knew this thing with Mattheo wasn't a good idea but I just couldn't control myself when I was around him.

I washed away most of my thought in the warm water before getting dressed in some grey sweatpants and a withe tank top. I walked back out to the common room seeing Mattheo by the fireplace reading, he had also changes his clothes and from the look of damp hair he had taken a shower. "Hey" I said taking a seat next to him. He looked up at me, his brown eyes studying my change of clothes "Hi".

"I should go and leave this off to Sevy" I said referring to one of the baskets of cookies.

"Want me to come with you?" his questions caught me by surprise.

"Yeah sure" I said getting up. He put his book down and got up after me, we exited the common room and made our way down the dungeons corridors to the potions classroom. I knocked on the door before opening it swing Severus by his desk grading papers.  He looked up as we entered a bit choked by the brown hair boy beside me.

"I just came to drop these off" I said raising the basket of cookies.

"Oh thank you, I weren't sure you were gonna make any this year" he said walking around his table to me.

"Of course, I know how much you would suffer without them" I gave him a playful glare before handing him the basket.

Mattheo's pov

I had never actually seen Snape with a genuine smile on his face until today. It was quite weird to be honest. He seemed unsure of my presence and to be honest so was I.

"So what have you two been up to except for baking?" he gave me a suspicious glare probably afraid I was sleeping with Bella. Which would have been a corrects suspicion of him, if he only new what we were doing while those cookies he's holding were in the oven....

"Oh yesterday we went and got a tree and spent the day decorating it and today we just made some cookies" Bella said trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"I see, glad you found someone to keep you company I suppose" he sent another glare my way.

"Oh yes she has been great company Professor" Bella send a warning look my way as I utter the words. Snape settled for a disgusted face before turning his attention back to Bella.

"Well we just wanted to stop by, see you later" she said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the room. Ones we had made it back trough the portrait she turned to me, "Are you serious, do you now embarrassing that was, he clearly understood what you meant".

"Well I was only speaking the truth, you are great company" I said sending her a wink before walking around her to my book that I left by the couches. Bella walked over to her dorm coming back a few minutes later with a book in hand taking a seat on the other end of the couch I was in. We both read in silence for what felt like hours Bella had laid down with her feet on my lap, I put my book down looking over at the girl next to me. Her long brown hair falling perfectly with light curls at the end, her green eyes focusing as she read and her pink plump lips slithy agape.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now