Chapter 7

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Bella's pov

Me and Pansy were sat in her dorm talking about the upcoming Halloween party. Slytherin was hosting it but all houses were invited, even the Gryffindors, which was quite shocking knowing Draco was among the party planers.

The door opened and Daphne walked in with a pile of books in her hand. I had talked to Daphne a few times when being in Pansy's dorm and she was really sweet, but extremely shy.

"Hey Daphne are you going to the Halloween party next Friday?" I asked already knowing the answer but hoping to convince her to come out of her shell a bit.

"No I think I'll just stay in, I have a lot to study" she said placing down her stuff.

"Oh come on, it will be fun. We will be with you the whole time besides don't you want to let loose and do something fun for once?" I gave her my best puppy eyes.

"I don't know, I've never been to a party before" she said nervously.

"Me and Bella will be by your side the entire night, I promise" Pansy said getting up and taking her hand.

"And if you don't like it you are free to leave, but just give it a shot pleassssseeeee" I said also getting up and taking her other hand.

She looked at our pleading faces for a while before caving, "Fine I'll go".

"Yesssss" me and Pansy both said excitedly hugging her.

"Hogsmeade tomorrow morning?" Pansy asked.

"I can't, I have to work on the astronomy project with Riddle"

"Who studies on a Sunday morning?" Pansy asked giving me a concerned look.

"I usually do" Daphne says laughing a bit.

"How about we go after lunch?" I said.

"Uhhhh fine" She said rolling her eyes making both me and Daphne laugh at her hate for schoolwork.


I was sitting in the library with Riddle, he has actually been a decent partner this time. We had been working for about 2 hours reading different books and trying to find useful information. We were suppose to write a research paper on a famous astrologist and their work and then connect it to our previous project about constellations.

"My eyes are burning from all this reading" Mattheo said closing the book.

"Yeah mine too, I think we have done enough for today" I said marking the page and closing my book.

"You going to the Halloween party on Friday?" he asked.

"Why wanna wear matching costumes Riddle?"

"Would rather jump off the astronomy tower"

"Ouch, hurting my feeling" I said sarcastically putting a hand on my heart.

He let out a small laugh,"What are you going as then?".

"Wouldn't you like to know" I said winking at him before leaving to meet up with Pansy and Daphne for Hogsmeade.


Finding good costumes took longer than expected and we decided to grab a bite at the tree broomstick's knowing we weren't gonna make back in time for dinner. We choose a booth in the back and order a round of butter beers while deciding what to eat. We all ended up ordering burgers and a big plate of loaded fries to share.

"So Pansy how are things going with Draco?" I asked while sipping my butter beer.

"Really good actually" she said with a ridiculously large smile on her lips.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now