They were now seen walking in the nearby park, witnessing the breath-taking view of the cherry blossoms. "Pretty, isn't it?", Sunghoon asked, earning a bright nod. "It's so pretty, I wish it could last forever!", laughed Sunoo, picking up a few petals as the souvenir of this year's blossoms. 

"I'll try to preserve some trees in the backyard, yeah? Lemme ask from a few people.", Sunoo's wish was like a command for Sunghoon as he immediately picked up his phone to call someone but was stopped by a laughing former. "I don't want to cage them, Hoonie. It's fine, they return every year.", he said. 

They chuckled, walking away with their hands intertwined with each other and sat on a nearby green bench, enjoying the view of the Han river, which was flowing beneath them. 

Sunoo looked around, feeling someone's gaze on him, only to observe a man, staring at him with an obnoxiously, uncomfortable gaze. He edged towards his husband who found it concerning. "What happened, love?", he questioned, side hugging the quivering shorter. 

"'s n-nothing.", he received the reply but something was off. "Let's go from here.", he added. "What's wrong, Sunoo? Tell me.", demanded Sunghoon in a very authoritative tone, forcing the aforementioned to open up. "Uh, t-that guy...", he silently pointed at the creepy male. Sunghoon stood up to face him but was stopped by a hug from his husband, who begged him to calm down. 

"Stop! I love this. Let's not kill the vibe and move ahead, yeah?", asked Sunoo, trying to persuade a burning Sunghoon. 

"But I won't do anything to him, don't worry.", the taller added, with a mocking smile, but his husband was firm as ice. "No, let's go!", he said, pulling him away. Sunghoon sighed, giving up. 


Later that day...

"I'm getting popcorn, hold on! Don't play without me!", warned Sunghoon who ran to the kitchen to bring the snacks. It was game night today, given that, tomorrow was a Sunday.

"Hurry up, Hoon!", exclaimed Sunoo, connecting the PS 5 to the TV. He accidentally stepped on the remote, turning the TV on. The news for the day was being telecasted with a face of a man being displayed. 

"....he was found brutally murdered under a cherry blossom tree. His eyes were snatched from their sockets, with 'ONCE MINE, FOREVER MINE' engraved on his chest in bold letters with a professional knife. Police say...", said the news anchor. 

Horror struck Sunoo face as he recollected the face of the man. HE WAS THE CREEP FROM THE PARK. Infuriated, he marched towards Sunghoon who was innocently making popcorn in the kitchen. "So you killed him?", he questioned the taller with furious eyes. "Killed who?", asked the latter, unaware about the ongoing situation. 

"The guy from the park...", Sunoo exclaimed, tears falling from his eyes. Triggered, Sunghoon pulled him into his embrace, whispering soft words into his ears. "Baby, I did not kill anyone. I swear to Hyu-Jin!", he defeneded. "Who's Hyu-Jin?", asked Sunoo, wiping his tears. "Oh, haven't I told you about him? He was my favourite cousin...the guy I trusted the most after my friends but...", he paused, smirking internally. 

"But, he's sleeping now.", he added, chuckling. 

"What do you even mean?", asked his husband. "I mean, he loves to sleep.", Sunghoon laughed making his husband laugh too. "I did not kill him plus I need to go out to kill him, yeah? This whole day, I have been with you and no one else, my bear.", the taller spun the shorter in the air, feeling a sense of relief. 

"Hm, I kinda believe you but trust me, if you did this, I'm never ever forgiving you.", laughed Sunoo."Go, I'll get the popcorn.", he shooed his husband away, calling someone sneakily. 

"God job.", he praised the other person on the phone, in the coldest tone ever and cut the call, smirking. He took the popcorn and they enjoyed the night...

 With one more danger, crossed off the list and many more to go.




I HOPE Y'ALL HAD A GOOD TIME READING THIS STORY WHICH... I literally came up with in five minutes, ngl.😂

Let's now shower 'UNTIL I FOUND YOU' with love like y'all did for 'Love Is In The Instagram Page' and 'Bullets and Hearts'. I really can't thank y'all enough! Never thought, I'll gain such a huge audience! 

Love you all...💕

Your beloved, 

Kim <3


My Instagram( if you wish to follow:))- melon_ieeezzz

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