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Kindly note: (This chapter was written in Sunoo's part of view.)

As soon as I entered his room, I was dazzled by his loud charm. He hadn't even said anything but, I felt my heart thumping when he looked at me from head to toe. It felt a bit awkward and I was growing insecure, worrying that I might be looking too bloated due to the overwork and stress. 

But, my mind changed when I saw his eyes sparkle, making me chuckle internally. He wasn't half bad, given that, he was infamous for being ruthless. There were rumours that the words mercy and forgiveness were forbidden to enter his life's dictionary. 

I don't know what had gotten into me that I had mustered up the strength to caress his cheek. I did that to most of my patients; but he wasn't just a patient...

It was already fearsome that I had performed urgent surgery on him without the consent of the family making me wonder what would have happened to me if only I was not able to save him? Would they kill me for this? Tortured me until I begged to die? Cut my tongue-

I don't want to go there...

My intrusive thoughts were louder than usual, deafening my already swollen ears. Swollen because of the cries and wails from Mr. Joo Seong-wook's family for he had passed away. His brain had developed a huge clot but the origin was still unknown. He had succumbed to his wounds and eventually, passed away, leaving all of us, grieving. 

He was noble man, almost too noble to be real. He owned an orphanage where children were treated like the house's own kids. That was maybe because he had no kids of his own. I wiped my tears, which had unknowingly slid down my face, dampening my cheeks. "Holy Christ. Life is too unpredictable.", I thought, recalling our memories from the past. 

It was about nine at night and I was packing up to go home. Finally...

My life was hectic, tiresome and boring; too boring to even live it. Being a doctor was never a childhood dream rather I thought of it as a responsibility. I believed I was a source of negativity, given that, my mother had died because of me, my uncle was required to keep a check on me every once in a while making sure I wasn't self-harming myself and it was Jimin's never ending duty to cheer up my always dismayed soul. I felt pathetic for putting the people I loved in such a position. 

"Sir?", a nurse entered my cabin. "Yes?", I asked, trying my best to hide my frustration by putting on a bright smile. "Is there a chance that, you'll also be able to do the night shift?", she asked me with skepticism. "May I know why?", I asked her calmly, internally cursing my fate. "Dr. Choi's wife's labour began suddenly so she had to be rushed to the hospital and that's why, he is unavailable today.", she replied. 


I heaved a sigh but nodded, tiredly smiling at her. I could configure the pity in her eyes, stated that, I must've looked miserable with eye bags covering my under eyes, my body limp and my hands shivering because of minor fatigue. 

"I'm so sorry, sir.", she apologised. "Don't be.", I said as she went away, not before giving me a pitiful look. 

I was tired but I wasn't an asshole. Someone's wife was in labour and I had to replace for him. God had a special place for me in his heart when it came to suffering. I unpacked everything, going out of the cabin for a round. 

While I was on the second floor, casually checking up on patients while greeting them with a polite smile, I saw a hazy figure, probably of a man, standing at the end of the corridor but as soon as he saw me, he dashed downstairs. "Weird...", I thought, assuming that it could be a janitor. It sure creeped me out as to how startled he looked when he saw me as if, he was hiding something. 

After the check ups, I came back to my cabin which was close to Mr. Park's private room. It was quiet so I preferred not to disturb him, unsure of what he would do if I messed up. I did not show it in front of him but internally, I was nearly peeing my pants seeing him sitting and staring at me. My skin burned under his gaze as if he was trying to chisel me just by looking at me. 

How can someone be so influential?

I chuckled at the thought. 

It was deep at night when I woke up by the sound of a loud thud. I did not even realise that I had fallen asleep while checking through the files of my patients. It was eerie because the clock read almost midnight by now and someone being so active, right now, was a bit strange. I had been on night shifts earlier but not even a janitor stepped foot. They were usually knocked out during their night shifts. 

I got up and flinched because of another thud. It was coming from somewhere really close. I got out of cabin, grabbing an injection, you know, just in case...

I looked around, finding the hallway empty but the thudding did not stop. It was even louder this time and it was coming from...


I dashed to his room, opening it immediately. There he was...

Struggling for oxygen because his mask had been purposely taken off yet trying to fight a man off, who was holding a knife in his hand. Not a fruit knife. A FUCKING HUGE KNIFE. I screamed my lungs out, deviating his attention from the former. He leaped towards me but I was fast enough. Not wasting a second longer, I dodged his attack, stabbing him with the injection in his nape. 

He walied in response because I had purposely hit the most sensitive spot. He was about to pass out any minute but before that could happen, he ran out. "SISTER! SISTER!", I yelled for help. A janitor had heard me who came out of a room, only to be pushed aside by the intruder. "CATCH HIM!", I screamed, making him run behind him. 

I ran to Mr. Park, putting on his oxygen mask once again, as he gasped for air. I screamed at the huge wound that was now present in his stomach. The guy had stabbed him. 

I increased the oxygen supply, but to no avail. He had been deprived of it for way too long that his lungs could collapse any moment. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?", yelled Mr. Sim, who ran towards our direction. "OH MY GOD!", he exclaimed. "Call someone, right now!", I commanded as he dashed out with the speed of light. I pumped his chest, eager to stop him from closing his eyes completely but I was clearly failing. 

His eyes drifted slowly but this wasn't something that I could've allowed. If it had happened, he may even had gone into a coma. 

"FUCK THIS.", I frantically removed the oxygen mask and began CPR. 

His pulse flexed with his heartbeat increasing and his eyes slowly closing. "Get up!", I screamed, pulling away. "Sunbae-nim, what happened?!", asked  Seok-Min coming to my aid. He grabbed a towel, pressing his wound, looking clueless and horrified. I pumped his chest, going in again for CPR. 

"Please save him...", Mr. Sim begged me, tearing up. "GET UP!", I yelled, banging on his chest, performing the third and final CPR before his breathing started becoming normal. I sighed in relief when he fully opened his eyes, staring at me. 

"Are you fine, Mr. Park?", I enquired, pressing on his wound with the towel to stop the bleeding. He looked too fazed to answer me at the moment which was quite understandable. I mean, he had almost collapsed and he was stabbed. Mr. Sim hugged him, tears falling from his eyes. 

The janitor came inside the room, with an unpleasant expression on his face. "He managed to escape.", he said, quivering in fear. "I'LL FIND THAT BASTARD.", Mr. Sim yelled in anger. I was good at reading people, and I had never even thought that something could make him this angry. He felt too sunny to grow this mad. 

He stormed out, calling someone. 

I asked Seok-Min to leave because I knew, Mr. Park needed space. He was hesitant but left anyways. I bandaged Mr. Park's wound, and all this while, I could feel his gaze upon me. "Is something wrong?", I asked, looking up to meet his intense stare, making my cheeks heat up. 

"Why did you kiss me?", he asked, with an unreadable expression clouding his face. 

"It wasn't...a kiss. It was CPR.", I defended, with the pink hue intensifying. He pulled me closer, dipping his head into my neck to which, I stiffened on the spot. 

"Sir...?", I asked. 

"Ssh...", he whispered, kissing my neck, softly. 

What the hell?

Bullets and Hearts- SUNSUNWhere stories live. Discover now