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Kindly note: (This chapter was written in Sunoo's part of view.)

It was now about a month since the incident had taken place. That asshole had resorted to home treatment and Mr. Choi was required to go daily to his house for his check ups.

 Filthy rich, he was...

Because home treatments, usually take a big toll on your pocket given that you have to pay separate fees to the doctor, apart from the hospital and it's usually a hefty sum. It would've been no surprise for me, if Mr. Choi had already had him bankrupt. He was a reputed and diligent doctor, known for his hard work and punctuality but he was one greedy individual, always feeding for money. 

He had not contacted me since the past month, which I was really grateful for, but somewhere deep down, I knew this was the calm before the storm struck my already fucked up life. When he broke the news to the hospital about his personal treatment, I was afraid that I will have to go, being the main doctor in the department. 

But to my relief, he himself asked Mr. Choi to replace me, stating that he was unsatisfied with my services. Fuck my reputation but at least it saved my life. I wasn't required to see his handsome yet so punchable face everyday. I guessed, God was finally salvaging my life. 

My bad. That was impossible.

It was about five in the evening and I was casually working on my laptop, trying to find the best cure for my newly admitted patient. To my astonishment, I received a call from Mr. Choi. I was confused, making my eyebrows narrow down in amusement. "Hello?", I politely asked, focusing on my work. 

"Hi, sweetheart.", said a cold voice. I stiffened on my spot, failing to understand as to what was he doing on the call. "Too stunned to speak?", he added, chuckling in the darkest manner. "U-Um, where's Mr. Choi?", I mentally slapped myself for the slipped stutter. His chuckle turned into a low pitched growl as he spoke, "He's chilling with me." 

I could not believe him; he wasn't that sort of guy who'd party in the middle of work hours. "I'm asking, where is he? Stop fooling around.", I asked adamantly. As arrogant as I sounded, I knew it was necessary at that moment. "Woah woah woah. Chill, babe.", he replied in a playful tone. 

God, I wanted to punch him. 

"Let me add you on a video call. See for yourself.", he said, his voice dropping by thousands of degrees. He video called after a couple beats had passed away and what I saw next, made my soul fly away. 

Mr. Choi was tied to a chair, with his own socks stuffed in his mouth as one unknown guy approached him, playing with a knife in his hand. "He's enjoying so much, see?", that rascal exclaimed, focusing on my colleague's sore face which had a bruised eye, bleeding forehead and nose. "But he's one greedy man. He told me that this was all materialistic for him and that he wants to explore the real Heavens..", he added. I clutched onto my white coat, shedding tears at the state of such a senior and profound doctor. "I figured, I should help him.", he laughed. 

No matter how greedy he was, he always treated us right. All of us.

 I clearly remember my intern days when the respective doctors treat you like dump shit but, he was always the politest with me and all my classmates. He had taught me everything; from what to do in an emergency situation to even how to cook ramen, although I still sucked, and seeing him like this was...heartbreaking.

"LEAVE HIM! WHAT THE HELL?", I yelled on the phone. 

"Aw. Concerned, much?", he purposely teased me, with the burning in my eyes intensifying with every word he spoke. He harshly removed the sock from Mr. Choi's mouth and whispered something in his ear. 

"I've asked him to make you do something. If you do it, he'll be free but if not, well...", he chuckled at his own statement. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, MORON?!", I screamed, unable to bare the weight of my tears which fell like rain droplets. He nudged Mr. Choi in the head, signalling him to speak. 

He opened his sore and dry mouth, finding correct words. "Sunooyah.", he said and my heart broke for the nth time because of his wary and tired tone. "Yes, sunbae-nim? I'll save you, don't worry!", I assured him, my wits grabbing the best of me. "He's asking you to come here...", he said with his face facing downwards. 

I had not seen it but I was certain that all the colour from my face must've drained off. "But...", he paused. 

"YOU MUST NOT COME HERE, SUNOOYAH!", he yelled, earning himself a slap from that jackass. "You bastard!", that animal of a man, shouted his lungs out, slapping the former again. "DON'T TOUCH HIM, ASSHOLE!", I warned, venom dripping from my voice. 

"Then come here...", he halted, with lingering tension deepening the air. "...and save him?", he added, smirking while facing the camera.

 For the very first time, I could actually decipher a true psycho behind his handsome and charming mask. He deceived us all a bit too neatly. His words stabbed my heart like the world's sharpest knife would do; one stab and I'll be gone. 

"No-mfgh!", I heard Mr. Choi's muffled sounds, probably aiming to change my mind. 

"I take that look on your face as a yes, darling.", that bastard chuckled. "My men will come specially to pick you up at ten. Don't you worry.", he stated with a dark shadow on his face. 

He immediately cut the call after that, and I burst into overflowing tears. 

Why does God hate me, So.Fucking.Much?!

Bullets and Hearts- SUNSUNΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα