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(Kindly note: This chapter was written in Sunghoon's part of view.)

I sat in my office, quietly re-thinking my actions. I shouldn't have slapped him...after all. 

"Shit.", I cursed, pinching my nose bridge in frustration. His crying face blurred my vision as it continuously replayed in my head. "Regretting, much?", asked a soft voice. I looked up from my desk to find Jake standing by the door with a coffee cup in his hand. I looked everywhere except for his eyes, feeling guilt ridden. "Heeseung hyung told me everything.", he added, heaving out a long sigh. 

He walked towards my desk, softly patting on my tense shoulders. "No matter what he does, he's your husband, Sunghoon.", he said. "What you did was really wrong but...", he halted, taking a sip of his coffee. " can still apologise.", he added. I looked at him with shock in my eyes, shaking my head vigorously. "No never! I'll never apologise to him.", I said, feeling numb. 

Jake let out another sigh, keeping his cup on my desk with much more force than required. "SUNGHOON!", he yelled. I flinched at his sudden outburst as he spoke, "You'll have to strive alone if you don't surrender this ego of yours, I'm telling you." and left my cabin with heavy steps leaving me in confusion. 

I left my office in anger and began walking on the street, breathing in the chill breeze. 

On the street, I saw couples holding onto each other for dear life; with guys casually pecking their partner's forehead, while the latter clung onto their arms. Sunoo started playing in my head, giving me unwanted butterflies in my stomach. 

Wow, I was a married man now...

When I crossed the nearby park, I saw an old man selling flowers and that too, roses. 

My favourite. 

A gentle gush of wind kissed my cheeks, sending shivers down my spine. "Buy some, please son.", asked the old man. I looked at him, with a dilemma smitten face. "You're married?", he asked, making me nod slowly. "Buy it for your partner. They are fresh!", he insisted and for some unknown reason, I could not refuse to him and bought the whole fucking bunch. 

It was night by now as I was just staring at the roses with my head on my desk. "I bought you. Now what to do?", I asked the roses like a stupid ass kitten. 

What had gotten into me~

"Give it to him.", said an anonymous voice. "Hyung...", I looked up to see Heeseung hyung standing before me. I swear, I hadn't even noticed him entering in the first place. "To who?", I questioned not maintaining firm eye contact with him, fearing he could read through them. "Sunoo, who else?", he stated, picking them up and smelling them. "Ah, fresh.", he complimented. He must've read the nervousness in my eyes as he spoke, "Don't hesitate. It's the best way to apologise for what happened in the morning.", and glared at me for the last bit. 

Wasn't a bad idea, I guessed. It would fix things.


I crept quietly inside my own house like a thief but something surprised and confused me. The lights were completely off as if it was a power cut. All the servants had left by now meaning he was alone in this dark mansion. 

I went to his bedroom and softly knocked on the door. Thunder was screaming it's lungs out and it was pouring heavily, diminishing the chances for me to hear anything, clearly. 

Nothing much was audible, forcing me to open the door. It was all dark with no signs of life. I looked around, horror filling my insides.

Did he leave?

I asked myself feeling confused and somewhat angry but my emotions melted down when I saw him sitting my the huge glass window...crying?

He was talking to himself and had probably been unable to hear me entering due to the heavy pour. "Why is it always me?", I heard him mumbling to himself. "God hates me, he hates me and fate is absolutely disgusted because of my existence.", even in the dark, I could see his crystal tears, dampening his cheeks. By he, I knew who he meant.

He sniffed, hugging his knees. Guilt demolished me once again with my body shivering. "I'm such an idiot.", I pinched my nose bridge in annoyance. His sniffing was getting louder and heavier, concerning me a lot. I went near him as he flinched at my touch. "Hey...", I started, with him panicking after seeing me. 

His forehead started sweating, as his breathes got sharper and much more strugglesome. 


I had these quite frequently when I was a kid after I witnessed that monster, almost killing my mother for innumerable number of times. As expected, he passed out in my arms. I panicked seeing his unconscious state as I ran towards the bed after picking him up in bridal style. I pressed his chest a bit, trying to ease out his breathing. I took off his slippers, rubbing his feet to provide them with warmth and thenceforth, his hands. 

His eyes twitched as they opened calmly. 

He saw me...

His breathing getting heavy yet again. I wasted not even a second, pulled him on my lap and kissed him, blowing air in his mouth, helping him with his breathing. It started off as a partly done CPR but things got messy real quick, with me now forming hickeys on his neck and him moaning in my ear. Something in me asked me to stop abruptly when I started taking his t-shirt off and I pulled away, not meeting his eyes. 

"Feeling better?", I asked. Through the corner of my eye, I saw him timidly nodding. In a sudden spark, the lights came back as I licked me lips at the view in front of me. I saw him, sitting on my lap, with his hair messy, shirt lopsided and neck covered with hickeys that screamed my name. And his face...

It was a tint of pink and red combined. Red from the panting and pink from...

I didn't really decipher. 

His eyes looked behind me as I turned around, finally acknowledging the presence of the roses I bought, for God knows what reason. He looked at them and then at me, as if questioning with his eyes. "Oh- uhm...", I stuttered. 

"I-I bought these...", I paused, trying to frame the perfect sentence. "For y-you.", I finished, mentally slapping myself for such a lame confession. The pink hue intensified, giving me a positive signal. 

He looked down, trying to avoid my gaze. I grabbed the bunch, handing them over to the younger who just hesitantly took them, putting them to the side. 'Uhm...", I coughed, loosening my tie. 

It was too hot...


I was hella turned on...

I saw a subtle smile pecking his lip as I held his chin, ever so softly, raising his head to meet mine. I held his neck as he winced in pain, making me retrieve my hand but, I dipped my head in neck, kissing on the marks I made. It was just for soothing out the pain. It was not like I wanted to devour his existence, right now. 

He squirmed at first but eventually held me softly by my hair, pushing me deeper into his neck as soft moans left his mouth. I climbed on top of him, making him lay down as I laid down beside him with his back touching my chest. I crept a hand under his t-shirt as he flinched due to the coldness. He turned his head to look at me and that's when I softly kissed him again, caressing his tummy.

After pulling away, I made him lay on his back, kissing his neck once again. "I'm sorry for today morning.", I apologised against his neck. He brushed his fingers through my hair, humming softly. "It's fine.", he said as I looked up to see him smiling. A smile formed on my lips as well and I pecked him at last. 

Marriage isn't that bad after all? 

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