1. A Strange Event

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Have you ever dreamed of ruling a country of your own? I'm sure most people had, that's one reason why we created games. A place to have fun, a place where people gather, and for some, a place to escape. According to current data, almost 1 million video games are registered, and among them are 'Nation-Building Games'. It is a masterpiece of greed.

Human has urges to conquer everything even inside a video game, that's just genetic, I think. Well, I can't really blame humanity because I'm also part of it. However, I don't feel ashamed at all. Even since childhood I always wanted to have everything, it's a pleasurable feeling to be above everyone, to be on the very top, if you know what I mean. They called me a 'Genius', all because my intelligence is far above average though I don't really care about that. Intelligence doesn't just come on its own after all, it develops. The more you study the smarter you are, a very classic excuse. Everyone can be smart, but very few chosen ones become Geniuses. One of them is me.

But seriously, they have to stop taking me everywhere, my parents. I know I'm a genius, no need to prove it. They take me to various places just to show people how smart I am, completely unnecessary. But at least they provided me with everything I needed and wanted, I just need to say it. Ah well, enough with that. I want to rest and continue playing games.


"*sigh* They finally leave me alone, how tiring. At least I'm free now"

Civilization develops and so is the game industry. Game Box and Computer become obsolete ever since the invention of DVR (Deep Virtual Reality), imagine a VR where you can move freely without restriction and you do it while in a state of unconsciousness. For someone to create something like this... makes me very jealous, I want to make something like that too! If only I had been born earlier.

[Device Activated, Preparing to Dive]

Well, see you in the morning.



Oh, I'm already here. Slower than it should be, whatever. The game I'm playing, 'Civilizica', is an odd name for sure, it holds no meaning at all but who am I to protest?

[Welcome back, Player Amalia]


A black-haired woman can be seen walking in the hallway followed by another woman behind. Amalia was her name or at least that was her username in the game. There's nothing eye-catching about her besides her wearing a military uniform. She's still quite young, she's not even in her 20s but she emits a charismatic aura. She acts maturely for her appearance.

She suddenly stops on her track and looks out the window, a city resembling that of the early 20th century Central Europe came into view.

'Seeing this kind of view is indeed better than seeing tall white buildings that get in your way, I hope I was born earlier'

She can see some very early models of cars on the road, it's still considered a new technology in this era, or at least in this game. Everything else is nothing special, people walking on the street, newspaper boys selling newspapers, a group of gentlemen enjoying their tea, women gossiping, dragon flying, and baker selling their breads. Dragon? I don't understand, it's pretty normal here.

'Enough sightseeing, let's get back to my room'

Civilizica, it's a game where you can build a civilization of your own based on real-life culture. There have been games like this before, but they are all dead because of one reason, boring. They put you into an office and force you to stay there forever, people are also starting to realize managing a country is hard despite the developers' efforts to make it as simple as possible.

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