"Ladies, attention on the pressing matter at hand, please." Dean demanded, giving Millie and I a look. 

"A horrible life." Maggie mumbled. 

"A lonely life." Dean agreed. "A cold war life." He paused for a moment. "He was scared." He dropped the paper he held and ran off. I followed. "He was scared."

"Scared of what?" Ed asked as everyone else ran after us, yelling questions. 

Dean led us all to the basement door . "Guys like Daggett back then, the ones scared of the Russkies, they built bomb shelters. I'm guessing he's got one."

"You think that's where Sammy is?" Millie asked.

"It's our best guess." I told her. 

"I'll bet you it's in the basement." Dean pushed open the door. 

I sighed, hating the idea, but turned to Maggie. "Since you'll be furthest from danger, hold Evie, will you?"

"Don't trust these nutjobs with her." Dean told me.

"We'll be less than five feet away." I told him. "If the ghost comes after us, she'll be further from it."

Maggie took her. "Just--Just hold her?"

"Yeah." I nodded as I followed Dean into the basement with Millie and Spruce behind me.

The door slammed shut as we started down the stairs.

"That is not funny. How many times--?" Ed yelled through the door as he tried to open the now locked door.

"Um, who closed the door?" Spruce asked.

"It did." Dean stomped back up the stairs to the door. "It wants to separate us. Ed, listen to me!" He called through the door. "There's some salt in my duffle. Make a circle and get inside."

It was quiet for a moment.

"Inside your duffle bag?" Ed asked.

"In the salt, you idiot!" Dean snapped. "If there's so much as a hair out of place on my kid's head when I get back, I will kill you all!"

I smiled a little as Dean continued down the stairs, setting his hand on my waist as he did so. 

We all wandered around the basement, passing by deer heads that hung on the walls, cobwebs covering everything and shelves full of junk.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Spruce asked. 

"What?" Dean asked.

"Earlier, you and Sam. He said you had two months left?"

"It's complicated." Dean stated. 

I tried not to think about it. I tried to keep my hope alive but time was moving too quickly and we still couldn't save him. I couldn't breathe when I thought about it. 

"A while ago, Sam--" Dean began, then noticed the camera Spruce held that was on and filming everything. He chuckled. "No, no, no. I'm not gonna whine about my goddamn problems to some fucking reality show. I'm gonna do my fucking job." He walked away.

"Is it cancer?" Spruce asked.

"Shut up." Dean snapped. He stopped by a wall. "You hear that?"

I moved closer. "Is that...Is that music?" I asked. 

"It's coming from behind this wall." Dean stated. "Baby, the flashlight."

"Oh, right." I took it from him as he moved toward the large metal locker that sat against the wall. He handed me his gun before grabbing the side of the locker and shoving it out of the way to reveal a door. 

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