Chapter 17

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Red Sky At Morning

We sat in the Impala that night, watching the house of the man who's brother died. I had climbed over the seat long ago, settling in Dean's lap with my legs between his, feet brushing the floorboard. His arm was around me, fingers brushing over the scar on my stomach. 

I was drifting in and out of sleep.

"Saige." Castiel/Trench Coat Man said in my head in a voice softer than I'd ever heard from him. 

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I wish to apologize for not being able to help you." 

"What?" I asked, faintly feeling something warm brush up and down my back. 

"I could not get to you in time when you were dying and I was not able to save her for you."

"Her?" I asked.

"Yes. Your child."

"It was going to be a girl?" I asked, eyes stinging. 

"If all had gone well, yes."

"But you tried?"

"I did."

"Then, thank you."

"Anything good?" I heard Dean's voice as I woke up again. 

"No, not really." Sam replied, looking down at the stack of papers he had. "I mean, both brothers are Duke University grads. No criminal record. I mean, a few speeding tickets. They inherited their father's real estate fortune six years ago."

"How much?" Dean asked.

"Hundred twelve million." 

"Man, that's a lot of money." I mumbled. 

Dean whistled. "Nice life."

"Yeah." Sam agreed. "I mean, nice, clean, aboveboard. So why'd they see the ship? Why Shelia too? What do they all have in common?"

"Maybe nothing." Dean shrugged.

"But then why are they dying?" I asked. "There's gotta be something."

"There's always something." Sam added.

"Hey, you!" The man yelled, walking down his driveway toward us. 

"Think we've been made." Dean said.

"You think?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"What are you guys doing? You watching me?" He asked. 

"Sir, calm down, please." Sam began. 

"You guys aren't cops. Not dressed like that. Not in that crappy car." 

"Whoa, hey, no need to get nasty." Dean said.

"I like this outfit." I mumbled.

"Look, we are cops, okay?" Sam have his brother a look. "We're undercover. We think you're in danger."

"From who?" The man asked.

"If you just settle down, we'll talk about it." 

"You guys just stay away from me." He told us. He turned, walking toward his car.

"Wait." Sam called out. 

"Hey, you moron, we're trying to help you." Dean yelled as the man got in his car and began to drive away.

But suddenly his car stopped, headlights cutting off. The engine stalled. 

"That can't be good." Dean remarked.

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