Chapter 21

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Fresh Blood

Every single one of my senses were on high alert. I could smell everything around me. The dust being stirred around by movement, the metallic scent of blood, Sam, Dean, Gordon. I could hear every pin drop, every breath, every heartbeat in the room.

Footsteps drew near. An earthy, warm, manly smell washed over me--one I knew better than anything else-- as a heartbeat I recognized got closer.

Dean. It was him.

"Si?" His voice was loud, too loud to my ears but not on purpose.

I blinked my eyes open, groaning as the light burned them. Slowly, I opened them again as everything faded down to normal.

"Dean...?" I asked.

He helped me to my feet as my eyes landed on Sam, who stood by a now headless Gordon.

"You just charged a super vamped out Gordon with no weapon." Dean looked at his brother. "It's a little reckless, don't you think?"


"I don't know, I feel fine. I mean, I'm not ready to rip anyone' throat out and drain them of their blood." I shrugged as I stepped out of the shower.

Dean leaned against the sink, holding a towel out for me. "But you drank the vamp blood?"

"Well, force fed is more of the phrase I'd use, but yeah." I shrugged, taking the towel and wrapping it tightly around myself. "I mean, the sun hasn't hurt me. I don't hear your heartbeat from here. There's nothing pointing to the fact that I'm a vampire now."

Dean sighed. "Tell me again what happened."

"Well, Trench Coat Man just appeared and said he'd save me. World went dark, the bam! I wake up good as new." I sighed. "Now give me a kiss and get out."

"Drop the towel and I'll give you a kiss."

I sighed, shaking my head. "No."

"Fine then." Dean crossed his arms over his chest, feigning hurt. "No kiss."

I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly. "You're ridiculous."

Dean smiled. "I know."

I undo the towel for a few moments before wrapping it back around myself. Dean smiled, leaning down to kiss me. "Nice doing business with you." He told me. He sighed. "I knew you should've just let me go."

"What?" I asked.

"You should've stayed here like I said to begin with."

Anger bubbled in my chest like boiling water, burning the back of my throat as it rose. "We are not starting this bull crap again."

"No, because next time you'll listen to me." Dean stated.

"Next time?" I repeated. "There better not even be a next time. I will not have this conversation again."

Dean rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll you eyes at me." I shoved his arm.

"What the hell do you want from me, Saige? What the hell am I supposed to do?" Dean asked, voice growing hard.

Then something snapped inside of me. I was done with all of this.

"We're falling apart, and I hate it!" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes. "I want to hate you! I want to hate you for selling your soul to save me! I want to hate you for not caring about your own life enough to try and save it! I want to hate you for all of this. But I can't! I won't!"

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