Chapter 11

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Sin City

"Sammy." Dean was on the phone with Sam, who 'couldn't talk right now'. "You okay?" Dean asked. "Oh, are you and Millie--?"

"No." I heard Sam's reply.

"Sam?" Dean asked as he hung up. 

"I'm sure he's fine." I told Dean, sliding up beside him and resting my head on his shoulder. 


Dean and I sat in the bar at a table, waiting for Sam when a woman walked up to Dean. "I gotta tell you, every woman in this place, they wanna eat you up." She told him.

"Well, hey, anybody could've tackled that guy." Dean shrugged, hand on my thigh under the counter. "And wrestled the gun away. Prevented mass murder."

I laughed a little. "Mass murder, sure." I mumbled. 

"Here's what I'm gonna do." The woman said. "Normally, I charge 400 a night."

Dean's face dropped, offence taking over. 

I laughed again.

The woman leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Why don't we call it an even deuce and get the hell out of here?" 

"What do I look like?" Dean asked, fully offended by the outlandish statement this woman has made. 

"What do I look like?" The woman quipped. "Cheapstake." She mumbled, walking away. 

"Well, that was funny, no?" I asked.

"No." Dean said, looking over at me. 

"I mean, it speaks to your wonderfulness, doesn't it? You've managed to catch they eye of even the hookers who are willing to charge less because you're just amazing." I said teasingly. "I mean, they just want to eat you up."

Dean shook his head, leaning toward me to whisper. "What about you, huh? Do you want to eat me up? Because that's really the only opinion I care about in this case."

I feigned a sigh. "Sorry, buddy, but I'm marrying Batman." I held up my left hand. "Too late for you."

"Do you know how much Batman spent on that ring?" Dean asked, smiling. "A lot. And a lot of time picking it out."

"And I appreciate it very much. I love him for it." I said, leaning closer. 

"You better." Dean brought his lips to mine. His lips moved against mine, hand resting on my waist. I pulled back.

"Be careful, okay?" I whispered. 

"When am I not?" 

I gave him a look. "I'm serious, Dean. If we're right about this, she know, try to murder you." 

Dean gave me a quick kiss. "I'll be fine. Now summon whatever weird theater nerd talents you got buried in there and make this believable."

"I wasn't a weird theater nerd." I replied. I was.

"See? Great. If I didn't know better, I'd believe you." Dean said.

I shoved his shoulder. "Asshole." 

Moving closer to the bar where the bartender was, we feigned a fight. You know, the usual yelling and arguing couple in the bar that seemingly hate each other and definitely shouldn't be together. 

It was the easiest way for our plan to work. 

I spun around, storming toward the door and out of the bar.

Less than ten minutes later, I spotted Dean leaving with said bartender. She was our only lead to find Richie. 

I wanted to follow, but Dean had told me to just leave it to him and that I shouldn't put myself in unnecessary danger if it came up. 

Did I listen to him?


No, I did not.

He'd get over himself though. 

So I followed them all the way across town to some dark house nestled in a small dark area far from other houses. The house was old, mostly made of brick.

Red flag number one. 

Dean and I were here earlier when we tracked Richie's cell phone. We gave him a proper burial and realized that the bartender was the one who'd killed him. We also painted a devil's trap underneath of the rug in the basement where Dean would hopefully have now trapped her. 

I made my way inside and down the stairs. "Dean-O?" I called out.

"Si?" I heard faintly.

Suddenly, the building shook and the walls caved, rock and brick fell to black the only exit or entrance to the basement. "Dean!"

"Si? Why the hell are you here?" He called back.

"To help...?" I suggested. "I'll find a way to get you out."


I shoved my phone into my pocket after Sam hung up. 

Turns out this house is much more difficult to break someone out of than you'd think. 

Bummer, I know. 

I was walking around the side of the house when I heard a faint voice and saw a dim light.

"Why don't you kiss my ass?" 

Yep, that's Dean.

"Dean?" I asked, moving closer. 

There was a barred-up window to the basement with the glass broken out of it so it was just the metal bars left now. I knelt down. "Hey." 

"Find a way out yet?" Dean asked.

"No, but I called Sam. He'll be here soon." I told him. 

I faintly heard the demon bartender telling Dean that they should be civil. 

"Civil, huh? Killing Richie, that was--? That was civil?" Dean asked as he stood on a barrel, pulling at the bars blocking us. "Guy was harmless."

"That knife he pulled on me didn't look so harmless." She replied.

"Oh, a knife wouldn't hurt you." 

"No, but it would damage this body. And Casey has such a fine body. I wouldn't want to see it ripped." The demon stated. 

Dean laughed. "A demon with a heart. Wow. Well, you know, there's a bunch of dead people in town that might disagree with you." 

"Saige." A voice said suddenly to my right.

"Hey, Dean, I'll be right back." I said, standing and moving toward it. 

"Saige, come here." The voice said again. 

I continued to follow the voice. I wanted to turn back, to help Dean, but I couldn't. It was as if I were in a trance.

"Ah, the Sorceress. The pretty little thing I was at war with." The voice continued.

"Saige Dawson, stop." A new voice, a familiar voice said. 

I stopped. Trench Coat Man. 

"Who are you?" I asked desperately. 

He sighed, nothing more than an outline of a figure before me. "I am Castiel, here to protect you."

"Me? Why?" I asked.

"You walk toward trouble, Little One." He said. 

"You--You said to me before." 

"Turn back. He will corrupt you." 


"You have light inside of you, he will darken it. Don't let him." Castiel told me. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. "You can be good."

"I always liked him." Shadow Lady whispered in my mind. I could see the smile on her face. 

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