Chapter 16

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Red Sky At Morning

"So I've been waiting since Maple Springs." Dean began as we all sat in the car. At this point any time we get in the car at nighttime it's a recipe for disaster. "You got something to tell me?"

"I told you and Saige sorry know...multiple times." Sam whispered.

"Not that." Dean snapped. It had been almost two and a half weeks since...

Anyway, and I was doing fine. I was good. 

"It's not your birthday." Sam stated, voice a normal tone now. 

"No." Dean agreed.

Sam was quiet for a moment. "Happy Purim? Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"There's a bullet missing from the Colt." Dean stated angrily. "Wanna tell me how that happened?"

Sam didn't answer. 

"I know it wasn't me, so unless you were shooting at some incredibly evil cans..." Dean began.

"Dean." Sam said.

"You went after her, didn't you?" Dean asked. "The crossroads demon, after I told you not to." 

Sam met my eyes briefly in the rear view mirror to let me know he'd keep my involvement a secret. 

'Thank you', I mouth. 

"Yeah, well." Sam said, bored.

Millie laughed a little.

"You could have gotten yourself killed." Dean snapped. 

"I didn't." Sam stated.

"And you shot her." 

"She was a smart-ass." 

"Then you both would be dead if we're going by that logic." I spoke up.

"And so would you and your little friend who's rubbed her smartassery off on my brother." Dean told me, voice much softer than with Sam. 

"Who? Me?" Millie asked.

"Yes, you." Dean nodded. "So, what, does that mean I'm out of my deal?"

"Don't you think I might've mentioned that little fact, Dean?" Sam asked. "No. Someone else hold the contract."


"She wouldn't say." 

"Well, we should find out who." Dean stated, voice surprisingly calm. 

There's an incoming snarky comment.

"Of course, our best lead would be the crossraods demon." Dean continued. "Oh, wait a minute."

"That's not funny." Sam stated. 

"No, it's not. It was a stupid risk and you shouldn't have done it." Dean said. 

"I shouldn't have done it. You're my brother. No matter what you do, I'm gonna try and save you." Sam stated. 

I agreed with Sam. I did. 

But I hated arguing. It was easier just to stay out of it. 

I learned that at a young age. 

"And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, all right?" Sam continued.

"Whoo, go, Sam." Millie mumbled, looking at me with a playful look. 

I smiled a little. 


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