Chapter 12

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Sin City

Suddenly, the world went black. I felt like I was falling. My stomach dropped. For a second, I was weightless, and everything was blurry around me. 

I blinked as I hit the ground. I felt a hand around my ankle, pulling me along the ground.

I groaned, unsure what was happening.

"He cannot get to her." Trench Coat--Castiel or whatever said, voice faint a muffled. 

"She will not let me in." Shadow Lady hissed. "I cannot help."

"She will come around."


When I came to, I was outside of the window at the basement. I sat up, groaning. My ankle ached a little. I pull off my boot, moving my sock down just a tad. Maybe I sprained it.

"Holy hell." I mumbled. 

A handprint, red and almost swollen looking, was around my ankle. I fixed my sock, pulling my boot back on. 

Great. Another thing to figure out and potentially hide from Dean. 

I heard Casey's voice then, saying something about how Azazel--Yellow Eyes, apparently--was leading them until Sam and I took over. But he was dead. The demon army had no one to lead them. 

Now all the demons were trying to kill Sam and I for power. 

"Dean?" I called out weaky, feeling light-headed and woozy.

"Si? Where have you been?" Dean stepped up onto the barrel and gazed out at me.

"I don't know what happened." I groaned, taking my head in my hands. 

"Dean! Saige!" Sam yelled.

"Back here, Sam!" I called, standing to go and find him. My head spun and I swayed on my feet. I stumbled. 

"Sammy, down here! The basement's caved in!" Dean yelled. "Saige, sit down. It's fine."

Sam was next to me then. "Dean, hey, hold on, okay? We're coming." Sam told him.

"Millie's here?" I asked. 

"No, I'm here with the Father. She went back to the motel to find you." Sam told me. 

"Sammy, be careful." Dean said.

Sam stood, helping me to my feet before pulling the flask of holy water out as we rounded the corner. 

The Father stood there, eyes black.

A gunshot went off, hitting the statue beside the Father.

Bobby stood a few feet away, Colt in hand.

The demon flicked his wrist, sending Bobby across the yard. He flicked his wrist again, sending Sam and I into the car. 

Sam scurried to his feet, moving to Bobby. "How'd you know--?"

"Go." Bobby shoved the gun into his hand.

"You heard the man. Go." Ruby said from beside me. 

I jumped, eyes wide and head throbbing.

She turned to me. "You can't keep letting this happen." She said. "You'll get your ass handed to you every time. Come on, get up." She pulled me to my feet. 

"Thanks for the advice." I said, stumbling after Sam. 

I made my way down to the basement just in time to see Sam shoot and kill both of the demons. 


"Well, what do you think, Bobby?" Dean asked as we walked across the street. He had his arm over my shoulder, fingers brushing against my arm. "About what we did here? You think it made a difference?"

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