"Come on, wake up! Be dead! Huh?" Dean yelled.

"He's so silly, huh, Evie?" I asked as she laughed.

The ghost turned around.

"You guys here that?" Harry asked. "What's that sound? You guys here that?"

"Is that...a train?" I asked.

"Snap out of it, buddy, huh?" Dean yelled at the ghost. "Come on, what are you waiting for? You're dead."

A bright light shone on the ghost as a train horn sounded. The ghost held his hands up as he was hit by an invisible train.

"Where the hell did it go?" Ed asked.


"There's no records of any of it." Sam stated as we moved down the hall to search for any information about the house, the ghost, whatever was going on.

"No one got shot here, obviously no one got run over by a train. Stay close." Dean told Maggie, who followed us with a camera.

"Did the echoes take Corbett?" Maggie asked.

"Yes--No. We don't know what's doing what here, that's what we're trying to figure out." Dean snapped, looking over his shoulder at her.

"Stay close." Sam said. "Okay, look, death echoes are ghosts, okay?" He turned to the camera, walking backwards. "Now ghosts normally haunt places where they lived or where they died."

"Except these mooks didn't live or die here." Dean stated.

"So why their echoes are here is lost on us." I spoke up.

"So what are they doing here?" Maggie asked.

"Do you not fucking listen? She just said that we don't know." Dean snapped.

"I'm used to not being heard, Dean-O. Take a chill pill." I patted his arm.

"If you had listened when we were seven and I told you to speak up for yourself, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"So we're just wandering around with no clue what could kill us?" Maggie asked.

"Hey, give the lady a cigar." Dean remarked, turning to face her and the camera. "Seriously, does looking at this nightmare through that thing make you feel better or something? I mean..."

"Uh...I, uh...Oh, yeah. Uh, yeah. I think so." Maggie stuttered.


We walked into a room that looked like it had once been an office but was now almost bare and full of cobwebs. A bear head hung on the wall and a desk was by the window. Filing cabinets lined a small part of the wall and a safe sat on the top of one.

We all began searching for anything of use.

Sam held up a certificate that had been framed. "Freeman Daggett, house's last owner. Officially commended for 20 years of find service at the Gamble General Hospital."

"He's a doctor?" Dean asked.


"This looks like his den." Dean remarked, crossing the room to rummage through something else. "When did you say he died? '64?"

"Yeah. Heart attack." Sam answered.

"What are these, C-rations?" Maggie asked, drawing my attention to the boxes and the shelf full of canned food stacked against the opposite wall of where I stood.

"Army issued, three squares." Dean stated. "Enough for a lifetime."

"God, is that all he ate?" Maggie asked.

"Why don't you ask him?" I suggested as Evie rested her head on my shoulder, whimpering a little.

"One stop shopping." Dean said, moving to a safe. "Hello, locked."

"Come on, guys, this is ridiculous." Ed spoke up. "How is this supposed to find Corbett? Huh? We should be digging up the frigging floorboards right now."

"Huh. Survival Under Atomic Attack." Sam picked up a small booklet. "An optimist."

"Seems so." Millie agreed.

Dean finally pried open the safe/locker. Inside was a metal box. Dean grabbed it, turning around to be met with Ed holding a large EMF detector up. Dean stared at him with a bored and slightly homicidal look that I thought he pulled off very well.

He sidestepped Ed, moving toward the desk where Sam, Millie and I all stood. He placed the lockbox on the desk and opened it. He dug through the papers. "Crap. Crap. Taxidermy. Okay. You said Daggett was a hospital janitor."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Ew." Dean mused, staring down at the item in hand. "We got three toe tags here. One, death by gunshots, train accident, and suicide."

"Ew." Sam, Millie and I agreed in unison.

"What?" Ed asked, looking confused.

"Well, it explains why all the death echoes are here." Sam stated. Ed and Harry stared confused at him. Sam rolled his eyes. "They're here because their bodies are here. Somewhere in the house."

More confused look.

"Daggett brought the remains home form the morgue to play." Dean said.

Ten seconds of silence, then a collective groan of 'ews' from everyone else.

"That's nasty, dude." Spruce stated.

"Wait a minute." Dean said.

"We're waiting." I nodded. 


After realizing Maggie wasn't in the room, we went look for her. Dean found her. She gasped, spinning around to find him standing behind her, staring bored and dull ahead. "Closer to the herd, okay?" Dean asked.

"Maggie?" Harry called out, rushing forward. 

"She's fine." Dean said, moving toward the door where I stood. 

"Harry, I got an 8.6 and climbing fast. Something huge is coming. Look." Ed shoved a device forward for him to see as we all moved back into the hall and to the living room aka base camp. 

"It's past 11, you guys." Harry stated.

"What is happening?" Spruce asked.

"Nobody move." Sam demanded. 

"Hold on, hold on, stay quiet." Dean added as the flashlights went out and we were left in the darkness. I felt his hand clamp onto my hip, dragging me into his side.

Moments later, the lights cut back on.

"What's going on?" Spruce asked.

"Sam?" Dean looked around only to see that his brother was gone.

"He was just right here." Millie said, gesturing beside her. "All of a sudden, I couldn't feel his hand and then the lights cut on." 

"Must be a surge." Ed said.

"Sam?" Dean repeated, moving to where his brother was standing moments ago.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked. 

Sam's flashlight lay on the floor. Dean leaned down to pick it up. "Sam!"

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