Chapter 4(Race)

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Aurelio's Pov

The arena is hidden nicely from public eyes. Unless someone has connection with underground,they won't be able to find out this place. This place is too much crowded already. I have to find Mario quickly. He is the one who will assist me,a friend of Josh.

"You're Sphinx right?"a gruff sound sounded from behind me, turning around I saw a huge rough man in his 50's, narrowing his eyes at me.Don't know why but I saw something akeen to shock flashing in his eyes,which he covered with a blank look quickly.

Wonder what was that about.

"Yeah that's me."I replied to his question.Looking at me from top to bottom,he curtly nods his head.

"Follow me."He said and started walking,with me following suit."The race will be in 15 minutes.Get to the track."He said and points towards his left, there are several rooms their. "102.After completing the race go to that room.I'd already be in there.Don't leave immediately."He rushed out and we reached the ground."Bring your car here and take position.Go on be quick."He said and went somewhere.

I brought the car on the track and took my position.The racing is going to start in 5 minutes.I can see many cars on the starting line, taking their position,though there is space for one car more beside me.The audience looks full.

That's a lot of people.

Suddenly loud chattering sounds started coming from the audience.I raised my brows and looked at the audience.

What the sudden gush is about?

And i found out the reason too,when another car came to stop beside me.

Now,in my town everyone in underground knows Sphinx is undefeatable.I had people cheering for me and I could hear the chattering sounds that started when I take part in racing or fighting.So I understand this gush,who ever is beside me is well known and famous in the underground.

Well it'll difficult to defeat the undefeatable man of New York.

Good for them I love challenges.

The sound of the horn, indicating the race is going to start cuts my train of thoughts.I revved my engine ready to take off, and then

The gun fired.

I stepped on the pedal,my car roaring to life.The first few laps were blur as I concentrated on navigating through the other cars all vying for top spot.I was two cars behind.

As the race progressed,I could see the finish line in the distance,I pushed the car to its limit surpassing another car.

Just one more car.The undefeatable one.

I was neck and neck with that one.

I could feel the tension in the air as the crowd is unusually quiet.With one final burst of speed,I pulled ahead, crossing the finish line just seconds before my opponent.Other cars following suit.

I got out of my car,the crowds being unusually quiet.A smirk came on my face,seeing their shocked and sullen faces.

Looks like they betted a lot of money on this.

Oops, Unfortunate for them.

"A really unexpected and unthinkable conclusion there is, Sphinx won the race defeating Nightshade,who has been winning continuosly for one year."The mic announced.I left the track to go to my room,Marcus will take care of my car.

Wait I think it was Marcello,nah Marco,Neh Mario.

"When Josh said you're incredible I thought he was exaggerating,but now I know he wasn't."Mario voiced out as soon as I entered the room."Here."He placed a duffel bag in front of me.I just raised my brows."It has all the money.A lot of money,almost everyone betted on Nightshade."He rambled on and opened the bag.

Dang that's a lot of money.

I took the duffel bag.

"I will inform you about every fight and races."I hummed inspecting the room.Then I remembered something.

"I want to book a vip lounge from next time onwards."I told him sitting on the couch,that faces opposite the door."I hope it's safe."

Mario nodded his head vigorously and stands in front of me."I will book a vip lounge.Yes it is safe.Unless you want,no one can go inside or outside."

I hummed and stand up ready to leave.

"Leaving this soon.Are you not going to see the whole building or meet some people. They are really impressed by you.You know making some allies in this area will be helpful. "Mario said.

"N-"The sound of the door of my room opening caught my attention.Mario looked behind me and gasped loudly.

"Mario."A deep voice came from behind me."I heard you brought the new boy,that won today.I want to meet him."

"Yeah I brought him.You can meet him right now.He is here only."Mario said pointing at me.I closed my eyes.I am not in the mood to meet someone,I have to get home."Sphinx this is Nightshade."Now that caught my attention. Why does he wants to meet me?Hope not to start a fight.

"Hey."The same deep voice said.I slowly turned around to see four boys.Two sets of identical twins.

One boy is a little shorter than me,with brown eyes and brunette hair,a piercing on his lips, his twin has the same features minus the piercing.Another boy has black eyes and black hair,almost one inch smaller than me. His twin has the same features but he had a white scar on his forehead.

A loud gasp cuts me from analysing them.I looked at the scar one,who has his mouth open.A shocked expression on his face.Infact all the four of them has that shocked expression.

What the fuck?Never saw any handsome boy.

"Stop fucking staring creeps."I grumbled out. That brought them out of their staring.Their faces becoming blank and hard.The piercing one stepped forward and extended his hands towards me.

"Nightshade."I gave him a firm handshake.


"You're amazing today.Never saw you before. New to this city or this place?" He asked, his voice neutral.

"I don't go around introducing myself to strangers."I vaguely replied."Why do you even want?"

"Nothing.We're just impressed. Wanted to know if we can expect to see you around more."Nightshade's twin said stepping forward.

"You will find that soon enough."I replied walking towards the door, surpassing the Nightshade and his twin,"Get out of my way."I grunted to the other set of twins.

"What the fuck."I exclaimed suddenly, on feeling a push from back and a tug on my hair,quickly turning around I see Nightshade's twin holding two to three strands of presumably my hair and Nightshade holding him.

"I slipped."Nightshade's twin giggled. "A little clumsy I am.You have really soft hair though.Which shampoo do you use?"Nightshade rolled his eyes beside him.

I ignored him and exited through the door, pushing those brothers aside, hearing someone muttering from inside."You didn't have to push me." followed by a slapping sound.

Bunch of weird idiots.

I headed straight for the exit, ignoring the stares and whispering of the peoples,already annoyed by those idiots.Wasted so much of my time.

"Dang he is hot."

"He is the one who won."

I swear these people don't have anything else to do, always intruding in others matters.

I was exiting through the door when I heard something,that made me a little intrigued.

"Still can't believe he won over Luciano Costa."


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